I have long suspected that Thomas Greanias is a 'sensitive.' His novels suggest that he might possess knowledge that would be valuable to helping us find Devra. Originally shared by Thomas Greanias My author interview for Dominium Dei shot at Digital Hollywood http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=20PA4UYCmmw
Brilliant visualization of the interior mental tapestry of the mind influenced by Exotic matter. Originally shared by Melita alexis Could please someone send me an ingress invite, please...bloodym82@gmail.com
I quite recently learned of Devra's disappearances. Had she invited me to the Niantic Project, this might not have happened. I warned her that research into Exotic Matter was extremely dangerous. She didn't listen. Originally shared by John Hanke Who's tracking Bogdonavich? #ingress http://devrabogdanovich.blogspot.com/
As it will come out, anyway, I am, or at least was at one time, quite close to Devra Bogdanovich. I was a young professor at the time. She had... has... such promise. I have joined the hunt for her. I have heard rumors that she has been contacting people in Academic Circles, but I have yet to hear from her.
I have to be very careful what I say: Non-Disclosures and clearances prohibit me from releasing too much. However, as this is Open Source, I submit it to stimulate awareness on a subject which is at the edge of my expertise. http://science.nasa.gov/science-news/science-at-nasa/2012/29jun_hiddenportals/ http://science.nasa.gov/science-news/science-at-nasa/2012/29jun_hiddenportals/