It was the most renowned and respected shrine in the Roman Empire, the object of veneration by Julius Caesar, Cleopatra, Octavian, Caligula, Hadrian, Severus, Caracalla and a host of other luminaries. It stood for centuries within a sacred precinct the size of a large town at the heart of the greatest Greek city in the world. Yet at the end of the 4th century AD, when the Christian emperor Theodosius outlawed paganism, it disappeared without trace, creating the greatest archaeological enigma of the ancient world.
Essexians: This is important. After extensive hunting, I have come into possession of some of Hank Johnson's notes from the period in Graduate School when Dr. Calvin hired him to study 13MAGNUS. There are some cryptic references that come to mind. Diodati Epiphany and Volcanic Winter. They were the first notes in his journal and thus might be a good place to begin looking for his bread crumbs (referred to by, I believe Calvin, this summer). I believe Johnson planted these in an attempt to reconstruct not only his memories, but his thought stream after the recent recursion. I will be combing the notes for more information. We have no records of where Hank travelled during that time. I must piece it together. It is my belief that he might have left 'breadcrumbs' in those portals.
What do we know of Antimagnus? Who are its present members? Calvin, Jahan, Smith... Who else? What historical Antimagnuses have we discovered or do we suspect? The inner court of the Persian empire? The alchemists (Flammel?)? They believed in math and science. Archimedes? Maybe even Henry the Navigator's School? Researching now. This knowledge will become valuable.
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