
Showing posts from December, 2013

A year crosses over and another is born.

A year crosses over and another is born. I am not one who believes in astrology, but i do believe that there are cosmic moments of opportunity to see into and to change the future...  What is it that we see for the future of the INGRESSION?  What is it we hope for? What is it we fear? The Serpent? The Dark?  The falling? The fire?   What forces to we see aligned to what purposes?

I have posted new thoughts on Niantic Project.

I have posted new thoughts on Niantic Project.  They relate to #IngressNYE.  +IngressNYE. Jarvis's Statues.  Calvin's stolen thoughts. My lost thoughts.  Are thoughts a zero sum game?

There is a hole in all of this.

There is a hole in all of this.  Like we have all of the pieces but not the guide picture. And what was with that cryptic message.  Am not terminated... What attacked him?  Or what did he attack?  how did he escape?  Or was he expelled? Or what happened to him in there. What did he see in there?

Where do they go when they are out of sight.

Where do they go when they are out of sight.  Persistence of vision.  Constant partial attention. Jarvis. Lynton-Wolfe.  Right there in front of us. Now gone.  To where. If they are not amongst us, do they still exist.  They remain frozen in a time and a place even though the time has passed and the place is far away.  Peek-a-boo.  Is object permanence an illusion?  See what is missing.  Leap the synapses.

Was Alexander part of 13MAGNUS?

Was Alexander part of 13MAGNUS?  Is there an accident that his corpse was delivered to Egypt home of Osiris.  Is his corpse in a 'nest.' Was the botched embalming of Lenin and Stalin a failed attempt? 13MAGNUS has been with us throughout the time of civilization.

It was the most renowned and respected shrine in the Roman Empire, the object of veneration by Julius Caesar,...

It was the most renowned and respected shrine in the Roman Empire, the object of veneration by Julius Caesar, Cleopatra, Octavian, Caligula, Hadrian, Severus, Caracalla and a host of other luminaries. It stood for centuries within a sacred precinct the size of a large town at the heart of the greatest Greek city in the world. Yet at the end of the 4th century AD, when the Christian emperor Theodosius outlawed paganism, it disappeared without trace, creating the greatest archaeological enigma of the ancient world.









I had not made the connection between Susanna Moyer and Nigel Moyer.

I had not made the connection between Susanna Moyer and Nigel Moyer.  It is most interesting to discover the truth. If the transcript released today is true, the implications are profound.  I was he beneficiary of some of Nigel Moyer's crypto work, but I did not know its source...  I had heard that he was dead.  Now I understand that he is healthy.  I saw him as a young man. He has to be 90 by now.  Is it possible that the acquisition of XM lengthens life?  Interesting how a portal looks like a fountain.

These are the questions I am pondering this week: Please post them for newer players.

These are the questions I am pondering this week:  Please post them for newer players. Some look forward, some look backwards, some look to hidden places. EASY: Who is going to Buenos Aires? EASY: Who is working on a documentary called Nomad? EASY: Who is hinting at an alliance with Devra? MEDIUM: Who is Claudia Glass searching for? MEDIUM: What did Jarvis caution against in his Redemption Speech? MEDIUM: Where do you next expect to see Hank Johnson? HARD: Who did Susanna Moyer select to give passage to the ex-Niantic Researcher? HARD: If you were to hear of something were stolen or missing this week, what would it be? HARD: What will Hank Johnson be looking for in Phoenix? VERY HARD: Why is Susanna Moyer helping Dr. Lynton-Wolfe VERY HARD:  Can Susanna be trusted? If so, then by whom? VERY HARD:  If you were to hear of something were stolen or missing this week, what would it be?