
Showing posts from January, 2014

Questions for this week:

Questions for this week: Easy:      Who is Hank Johnson trying to find? Medium:  What is his relation to Hank Johnson? Medium:  Who is meeting with Susanna in Las Vegas? Hard:   Who has a motive to harm Susanna Moyer?  (multiple possibilities) Hard: Who is Andy Nominus?

"If the perception is changed, does it matter any more what the reality was?" I remember a professor saying that.

"If the perception is changed, does it matter any more what the reality was?" I remember a professor saying that.  What I cannot remember is whether I was that professor. Was I a victim of experiments upon myself or was I the creation of experiments on me? That's the question I am pondering not as I try to reassemble the memories.

This week's questions: Easy: What is a Septicycle?

This week's questions:  Easy:   What is a Septicycle?   Easy: What company created regional scoring and why. Medium: What other computer system was Ada assembled from? Medium: What does a sentient entity not do without a purpose? Hard: Which Corporation has decided to work with Chaotic Matter and why. Hard: Who is worried about Hank Johnson’s visiting the nest? Very Hard: What does Yuri think we can learn from the Anazktec.

Thanks to Daniel Beaudoin for finding this.

Thanks to Daniel Beaudoin for finding this. I now see the results of the Reality Fashioning research I reluctantly participated in during graduate school.  At the time... And remember, this was the '70's, it was fashionable to discuss consciousness and reality.  But now, I see the implications. I suspect that the 'Perceived Reality' seminars had a much more clandestine purpose.  Let me say, even sinister purpose.  I remember the Professor saying, what happens when there is no longer a line between truth and fiction?  After all, all truth is only a perception and all fiction must reflect reality to be understood. Now, a book comes out describing a real event and it is categorized as fiction.  This goes far beyond hiding truth in place sight? It is reality masking. And here is what is even more mysterious.  I know for a fact that Felicia Hajra-Lee  wrote this book before it happened.

I would very much like to know what Essexians make of this.

I would very much like to know what Essexians make of this.  If you have contacts in relevant geographic locations relating to the principles of this story, please send current photographs and scanner screens.  It would also be of great interest to know what Stein Lightman and +Martin Schubert would have to say about this.

I find it interesting and fortuitous that the Wired Magazine article should come out so close to Ken Owens' 'New...

I find it interesting and fortuitous that the Wired Magazine article should come out so close to Ken Owens' 'New Year's Letter'.  While the Wired Article plays along with the 'its just a game' spin Owens is putting on things, it is extremely informative and sould be shared with potential Essexians.

Happy New Year.

Happy New Year.  I have more questions to contemplate and discuss with newer players.  I expect that Essexians could answer these questions off the tops of their heads.   However, if you find any of them difficult, feel free to contact me.  EASY: Who were the two corpses at the Zurich Train Station in the 2WillDie Poster (might want to put the poster in the newsletter. EASY: Who do you think was the female voice speaking to Katelina? MEDIUM:   Which Faction would benefit if Calvin and Owen manage to come to an agreement? MEDIUM:  Hank Johnson was not present at CERN on Epiphany Night, but he took something with him that allowed him to escape the Dark XM Portal. What was it? Where did it come from?.   HARD:  Last time we saw Dr. Brandt, somebody died shortly thereafter.  Who was it? HARD: Calvin, Owen and Phillips tangled right before a critical event last year. What was the event, and what were the consequences? VERY HARD:  Why did ADA select Katalina to use for her purposes?