Thanks to Daniel Beaudoin for finding this.

Thanks to Daniel Beaudoin for finding this. I now see the results of the Reality Fashioning research I reluctantly participated in during graduate school.  At the time... And remember, this was the '70's, it was fashionable to discuss consciousness and reality.  But now, I see the implications. I suspect that the 'Perceived Reality' seminars had a much more clandestine purpose.  Let me say, even sinister purpose.  I remember the Professor saying, what happens when there is no longer a line between truth and fiction?  After all, all truth is only a perception and all fiction must reflect reality to be understood.

Now, a book comes out describing a real event and it is categorized as fiction.  This goes far beyond hiding truth in place sight? It is reality masking.

And here is what is even more mysterious.  I know for a fact that Felicia Hajra-Lee  wrote this book before it happened.


  1. That is truly a disturbing idea.  If true it would mean, that the truths that are continually masked in erased are arguably shaping reality by destroying certain perspectives. Dr. Wright, would you happen to remember the name of the Professor?

  2. There are several possible phenomena.  The most commonly agreed upon explanation of Felicia Hajra-Lee and Tycho's precognitive powers are glimpses of the future, information traveling back through time by XM entanglement.  

    There's also some evidence, implied by Kureze's Pixel parable if we can assume he was a knowledgeable teacher, of alternate timelines.  Perhaps rather than seeing our future the sensitives were seeing someone else's present?  Jarvis referred to his ideas as coming from another now.

    What you seem to be implying is a consensual nature to reality itself.  I don't believe that facts cease to be true if they are not acknowledged.  Galileo did not change the nature of the solar system.  Some more subjective truths, however, can be so controlled.  Orwell described a process whereby it could happen in the appendix to 1984.  

    With XM as a substrate between alternate timelines, however, and the human mind as an antenna that can tap into that substrate under certain conditions, one wonders if a trained sensitive could shift between timelines by altering their perception of certain facts.  Could that have been the sinister intent you're referring to, Dr Wright? A professor attempting to monitor alterations of history (or of his students' knowledge thereof) through experimentation?

  3. This seems to point to ideas of objective/subjective reality.  It seems we are finding out what I've suspected for quite some time.  There is no objective reality.  That what we think of as independent objective reality, is actually a collective subjective reality created through the intersection of all those perceiving the reality.

    This understanding of course leads to all manor of manipulation by those who would seek to control or guide the development of "humanity".  I use that term with the quotations in an attempt to highlight that this is a layer of reality, not the reality itself.

    There are fundamental forces set in motion in times, or places seemingly remote to us in our current form. These we see as the laws of nature, and physics, and some of religion.  These are as close to absolutes as we can get. They include things such as gravity, the speed of light, all those things you have to have before you can even begin to imagine a physically constructed reality.  Layered on top of this are the realities created in the hearts, and minds of those experiencing this "natural world".

    These created perceptions of reality are valid, even when they do not accurately reflected the underlying nature, due to their being created by, and for our benefit.  After a point truth and fiction become decided not in nature, but in the minds defining that nature.  

    To give an example from my own life.  I once attended a group channeling session.  There were 7 or so of us aside from the channel.  This channel proceeded to tell me that from a linear perspective my last incarnation was that of a zeta reticuli, otherwise known as the "grey".  That I had crashed, survived, and my last memory was of being autopsied while still alive and conscious.  He went on to say my body is or whats left of it is still being kept in Wright Patterson.  I know this sounds close to the plot for Paul, bear in mind the event I speak of was over 20 years ago., with little bearing on the point of the story.  There is no way to prove this either way, and what I've come to understand is. It doesn't matter,  if I or others there believed it to be true, that is enough to cause a shift in our behavior. Giving we are talking about directing or guiding development, that is all that is needed.

    hope some of you find this useful


  4. To be fair, I believe the category that the book was placed in wasn't labeled fiction or non-fiction but "Transmedia" for the award at least.  Either way congratulations to Felicia Hajra-Lee and whoever the mysterious "Niantic Labs" may be.

  5. PS - please excuse the brevity but - I just have to say - the 70s were a hippy trippy time for certain ;)

  6. something I have noticed Edgar Allan Wright as I continue work on a wiki archiving project - there are newspaper articles through April of 2013 and then there seemed to be no more leaking of incidents into mainstream media... maybe this is why it is appearing more and more as fiction...


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