I must confess to being nervous about Thursday's appearance on Behind the Scanner.

I must confess to being nervous about Thursday's appearance on Behind the Scanner. They assure me that they can mask my face and voice, but I am aware that it will attract attention -- wanted and unwanted.


  1. Just don't do it. Never too late to repent

  2. You are pretty good at disappearing quickly, if needed.

  3. Microsoft Sam is always helpful.

  4. Was today's Niantic Project historical document necessary context or a dangerous complication do you think?

  5. This will be one to remember.

  6. Everyone gets nervous at first, but just think of it as a casual conversation. We're looking forward to chatting with you!

  7. we will all be listening there, but Yik Sheng Lee is also right, if you noticed that the risk is too high, we will understand that you don't attend

  8. Edgar Allan Wright you have the Essex researchers and many on your side - we'll be there for you - perhaps this can begin a stage of healing for you to find truth

  9. Do make sure you have someone you trust to watch for knocks at the door while you're focused on the interview.  I'd hate for someone to take advantage of your focus.

  10. That ship sailed quite a long time ago, Dr. Edgar Allan Wright​. You've been "on the run" from assailants since joining G+, if memory serves.

    Don't forget there are those who support you as well.

  11. Just remember why you're doing it. If your motives are pure, then there is no reason not to.

  12. In the end only you can realistically weigh the risk vs benefit Dr Edgar Allan Wright . Is there anything we can do to help you come to a decision?

  13. Maybe once you put all the information out there, "they" will no longer need to silence you.  Assuming you're still alive by the air date.

  14. The foreshadowing of irreversible complications is before us. Essex is about to run into the white whale.

  15. Looking forward to the interview Edgar Allan Wright​. Perhaps a purchase and 1 day delivery of one of these http://www.thatsmyface.com/ might reduce your fear of identity exposure. Just for a back up.


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