
Showing posts from June, 2015

Watched Behind the Scanner.

Watched Behind the Scanner.  First order of business today is to reserve a copy of Tycho's graphic novel. From all indications, we're about to learn the truth about the Niantic Project, and that will explain much of what followed.  Looking for Hank Johnson to confirm the imagery on the first panels that have leaked.   I have a suspicion that the events of Persepolis are the final phase of the plan that began at the Peshawar or before.   Still unnerved by the appearance of Devra. She's out there. In the portals.  I hope she contacts me.

Did this house an Anti-magnus nest? Where?

Did this house an Anti-magnus nest?  Where?

I have been researching Persepolis. For those of you unaware of the history of Persepolis, here is a quick briefing.

I have been researching Persepolis.  For those of you unaware of the history of Persepolis, here is a quick briefing.

I had been reviewing this most fascinating document Nigel Moyer has brought to the surface.

I had been reviewing this most fascinating document Nigel Moyer has brought to the surface. The next thing I remember, Stein Lightman was standing in front of me. He was saying something... words, or perhaps just one word, and making a motion with his hands. The same motion again and again. We were surrounded by fire. Then by a dense network of rope being pulled in all directions. Each time he would speak and motion, our surroundings would change. Thousands of interlocking gears moving at impossible speeds. Energy flowing in a rigid pattern, like an infinitely complex circuit diagram. Then, radiant beams of light arcing and interacting, multiplying and dividing. We were inside of some kind of machine, watching it evolve and grow from within. I then realized I knew what he was saying (although I do not remember actually hearing his voice) He beckoned to the strange mechanism that surrounded us. 'The Technology,' he communicated. (I say communicated, because I do not know if he s...