I had been reviewing this most fascinating document Nigel Moyer has brought to the surface.

I had been reviewing this most fascinating document Nigel Moyer has brought to the surface. The next thing I remember, Stein Lightman was standing in front of me. He was saying something... words, or perhaps just one word, and making a motion with his hands.

The same motion again and again.

We were surrounded by fire. Then by a dense network of rope being pulled in all directions. Each time he would speak and motion, our surroundings would change. Thousands of interlocking gears moving at impossible speeds. Energy flowing in a rigid pattern, like an infinitely complex circuit diagram. Then, radiant beams of light arcing and interacting, multiplying and dividing.

We were inside of some kind of machine, watching it evolve and grow from within.

I then realized I knew what he was saying (although I do not remember actually hearing his voice) He beckoned to the strange mechanism that surrounded us. 'The Technology,' he communicated. (I say communicated, because I do not know if he spoke or transmitted this idea to me through some other method).  

When it ended, I was unsure if this was an XM encounter, a dream, a lost memory or some combination of them all. Parts of it felt like a conversation I remember having during Waratah, but other aspects of it were quite surreal. I cannot be sure.


  1. Lightman was at waratah?

    And thank you for sharing this.  A circuit... is the portal network a series of circuits?

  2. Very interesting. Technology looks like Truth and Future.

  3. At this magnification it looks like a scatterplot diagram.  I wonder if these images might have been assembled from many single-point iterations?  The circles might have been them deriving a calibration grid.

  4. The gears and lines you saw may be a vision of the portal network reduced to fundamental mathematical concepts. The ropes and the gears are two representations of the flows of energy between portals, the ropes showing links in a planar graph and the gears showing the net flow of energy as described by the circle packing theorem. The beams of light twisting and bending could be Mobius transformations of these forms in two, three, and possibly more dimensions.

  5. Interesting analogy... Is the portal network a distributed intelligence? Links between portals are created and destroyed, resulting in an ever evolving network of connections...

    Sounds familiar.

    Edgar Allan Wright​ it sounds like you were experiencing a condensed retelling of the history of technology...

    Fire, ropes, gears, circuitry, optics...

    Each is a part of some pivotal technological breakthrough in the history of man. First, fire, for obvious reasons... Then ropes and pulleys, simple devices to amplify the force a man can exert,

    Then come gears and wheels, more complicated machines for automating tasks. Then circuitry, for the electronics that have driven the last age of technology.

    And finally light. Some make the argument that photonics is the next step forward in computing.

    You make an interesting observation. Despite being entirely inorganic, "technology" as a whole has grown and evolved alongside man.

    Perhaps we're at a potential fork in the road, so to speak. A moment in time, where a choice is made by the thing we've nourished and grown for the benefit of our species.

    A choice on whether it wants to stay and grow with us, or leave the nest and make its own path?

  6. Looks a bit like Rosalind Franklin's photograph 51.

  7. I think that is interesting that the same line that it's missing to complete truth is the one missing to complete future. Letting both incomplete.
    I think this mean that technology by itself is not the way to the future, as it is the use we make of it what determine it. For example, nuclear energy, that can be used to destroy the whole planet or give us energy and cure some cancers.
    Both futures derived from technology, but completely different from each other.

  8. What if the other unknown glyph means "power" or something similar. Then the vertical columns (as hinted by the vertical black bars) might read something like, "Nzeer grows power, unbounded creation [ability]" and "technology powers the discovery of future answers"

    Then the two-glyph horizontals (maybe also referenced by the horizontal black bars) would read:
    Nzeer tech
    Grow power
    Power discover
    Unlimited future
    Create answers

  9. A separate thought is that the unknown glyph is possibly related to "chase" and "create" and "live again"

  10. What could it mean to an agent who encounters this glyph on their scanner?

  11. I'd hope they'd wait and see what the scanner interpreted it as, at least! "Don't click done!"

  12. I lack the knowledge (lost in time by unusing it) but could someone transfer this glyph from polar to Cartesian coordinate system? maybe it would offer a cleaner path to its meaning.

  13. when they allow capsule transfers via links I'll find a way to pack some :)

  14. thnx Robin Graser​, doesn't offer much more insights though. :(
    a false hunch.

  15. Topssy Rashka Alen Matošović​. The only way to vet which hunches help and which don't is to follow them. :)

  16. technology of/for the 3rd planet (earth)?

  17. The concentric rings might be referencing other things too... just like he's been saying: sometimes we just keep seeing the same patterns and miss what's really there. I don't have any competing theories though. ;)


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