The Enlightened capture of Cahokia Mound tests my theory that people do leave traces of energy in places that are...

The Enlightened capture of Cahokia Mound tests my theory that people do leave traces of energy in places that are significant to them.  If my theory is correct, we will note, in time, influence of this event on Hank Johnson.  Also, do not ignore the possibility that this is the an early triumph of Jarvis after his 'resurrection' or transmogrified.
#niantic   #ingress


  1. And let us (Resistance) hope any green effects on Hank Johnson are negligible at best or can be "turned" to blue effect.

  2. Hopefully the fact that the resistance are so far ahead with our control fields will go some way towards negating any influence here.

  3. We will soon find out, but I strongly suspect he will. It is important to note that, for reasons I have yet been able to calculate, the events of vulnerability are difficult to predict.  There must be PRECURSOR events.  My suspicion is that somebody was monitoring that portal and noticed a Precursor Tell regarding Hank Johnson.  

    I can only suspect who achieved the ability to spot Precursors, but I would look to Kureze or even Devra herself. Especially if she has connected to the ex eastern bloc scientists. Some of them were well on the way with this research when the Soviet Union Fell.

    They have peddling their knowledge to oligarchs and intelligence agencies ever since, but, until now, to little effect.

  4. What would a precursor event be?

  5. Backround noise .. Listen carefully .. The portal told somone it was important ..

  6. As I tell my students, most events we consider to be paranormal and not replicable under laboratory conditions are events caused by unique proximities of exotic matter and sensitives.  The exact mechanics of this remain unstudied to the best of my knowledge.  But given the nature of extradimensional portals and XM ingression as it applies to sensitives  -- especially with the recent influx of partially shaped sensitives due to the Ingress App -- we can expect there to be what appear to us (who are trapped on a timeline) to be precursor events.  It might be an odd fluctuation in the portal, it might be some kind of an XM code that  is somehow signatured to Hank Johnson, it might come from Johnson itself.  Somebody has isolated it.  I just don't know who or whether they will continue to be able to predict linkages.

    And this is assuming that Mr. Johnson was, in fact, affected. But I strongly suspect we will find this to be true.

    I have attempted to receive funding to study this, but have been blocked by certain forces who do not want me to learn the truth.  Maybe Devra will help me this time.

  7. Thank you Edgar Allan Wright that helps.

  8. Linda Besh and misty hannah is some sort of psychic so it may have been her. Interesting to note that while the resistance have control of the fields it didn't seem to matter when it came down to agents being under control of a group or whatever this hank Johnson thing may be. It could mean that as individuals we may have more of an influence than the masses.

  9. The Misty Hannah idea is great.  I've been wondering where all the leaks from Niantic were coming from.  Maybe some of them have been psy leaks.  How are they going to track her down.

  10. hmmm, you mention telling your students and funding your studies, and have mentioned Devra a few times with a personal concern including here about "this time" - who are you Dr. Wright and just how close/connected are you to Devra?

  11. and i just must shout out an arrrg here Dr. Wright, I know it is off base, but after reading your post and then the comment discussions, I keep hearing ordered data running around in my head (I've listed the many places in this larger collection of information that communications and chats and emails have mentioned something about ordered data, dialtones and how patterns lead to things) - and now... precursor events... 

    you mentioned trying to fund your study - what sort of experiments/study have you designed to examine this? Is there some way we could help and try to find a way to identify these

  12. and as PACs thought of the day and the chats he shared talked about vulnerabilities and in this thread it has mentioned - is this what we are talking about? - and if so is the race on to develop what that entry mentions - but not for a computer system but for a... portal system?   orrrr am I just way off and will not speak again : )


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