Besides the menacing development of interlopers on a possible XM Site (in the form of possible government or...

Besides the menacing development of interlopers on a possible XM Site (in the form of possible government or criminal interest in Exotic Matter), we should note that Dr. Johnson is following up on a theory I propounded years ago, but, alas, became unheard, and that is that the ancients were able to build physical resonators like the ones currently used in the XM Harvesting Device (AKA Ingress App).  I suspect that this was the subtext of his adventure in Afghanistan.

Meanwhile, if anybody has updates on Devra, I would very much like to hear them. I find it disturbing that she appears to be heading to Eastern Europe.  XM in the hands of despots and oligarchs would be a very dangerous thing.

#nianticproject   #ingress


  1. What's in Eastern Europe that she would be interested in?

  2. Without saying much, it is well known that there were many investigations into paranormal, metaphysical (weighing heavily on the physics portion of this equation) done during the cold war and afterwards.  I have every reason to believe that this knowledge, like many other assets of the Soviet Union have been and are being leveraged in sinister ways. I would not like to see Devra fall into the wrong hands. It would be, as they say, going from the frying pan into the fire.

  3. This is very very worrisome... another potential lab getting ahold of her? To be forced to work on what she was escaping from in a perhaps even less ethical environment? That would be a dark place to go... : (

  4. Edgar Allan Wright When you say "paranormal, metaphysical (weighing heavily on the physics portion...)" investigations done by the Soviet Union, are you referring to their work on torsion fields? Do you know anything about the research conducted at Obninsk in Russia?


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