I am very curious as to whether Hubert Farlow was the second shadowy assassin involved in the hit in Zurich.

I am very curious as to whether Hubert Farlow was the second shadowy assassin involved in the hit in Zurich.  At this point, there's no good reason for him not to tell the truth.  What does he know about the fate of Devra that he isn't telling.  I realize it is classified, but what possible good can secrecy serve here?
#ingress   #nianticproject


  1. Aren't you at risk from divulging classified information?

  2. I don't think Wright has any clearance. He seems to be a very well informed itinerant professor who has a chip on his shoulder about not being invited to the Niantic Project.  No offense, Dr. Wright, but if you know something, you should spill it.

    As far as the Zurich stuff, he seems to have come to the same conclusion I did from studying the assembled Tycho storyboards.  http://www.nianticproject.com/?id=sc306a

    I think I've identified some of the other scientists in the lab.

  3. Sure that was me,and after what happened I'm making sure she's safe if I have die trying.We hit the wrong lady in Zurich and now I hear Jarvis is back in some way so until I find out what happened she under my care.

  4. Are you saying you know of Devra's current whereabouts?

  5. He has her hidden in a safe house we're told.

  6. Unless she's returned to the U.S., I doubt that Mr. Farlowe knows what's happening to her at this moment, but maybe I'm reading into some of the posts.

  7. She's not over there.Shes in the EU for now and that is all I'll say.

  8. that is good she is safe, and I trust if messages are able to get to her, you are communicating to her Hubert Farlowe that there are those who believe in her and are willing to help in any way needed - right Hubert?  (I'll give you my librarian look and look at you down my nose over my glasses if I have to ;)

  9. JoJo Stratton she knows and just might be reaching out soon.There was a little dust up be she came out on top.

  10. I am just starting to say yay she knows and is good and then read the rest of your comment and go, "oh no" what happened?

  11. When I feel she is safe I will say more I just need some more time to recoup

  12. I was there and more happened later but I'm hazy still.

  13. Now my concern grows, but, it is good you and she are safe...

  14. If Devra was supposed to be the other target with Jarvis then had she been caught there would you have killed her as well Hubert Farlowe ?  Why now are you trying to protect her?  Has something changed, and if so what information has made you change your mind.

  15. I don't always like my job but I it.Now I know more and she's ace's in my book.

  16. Anything you're able to share with us to substantiate that claim?  Perhaps something that factored into your change of heart.  Otherwise it leaves us with a couple of options on the table, one of which is that you weren't in fact at the scene.  Otherwise it shouldn't be difficult to explain the other option which is what caused you to switch sides.

  17. I'd have to be shown a good reason and I've learned things are not right here so I'm playing outrider for now.

  18. Justin Melville I think it could be the XM but I'm seeing things more clearly right now.

  19. Hubert Farlowe How about Roland Jarvis , when was the last time you saw him?

  20. On the ground,Then the green light flashed into the statue and the next thing I know I'm being cleaned up by the cleaners.Phillips then sent me to follow the Doctor.

  21. Could be the XM? Was your dust up related to XM exposure? Was Devra exposed

  22. The green light flashed into the statue?  Where did it originate from prior to it going into the statue, did it come from Jarvis' corpse?

  23. JoJo Stratton no it was after but I'm keeping quiet until I know more on what happened.XM and Debra are a given that is for sure.

  24. Wait, light flashed into statue? After Jarvis was shot? And not to put you
    uneasy, but there is a chance Jarvis, if he/something is back may be in a
    revenge mode. You, phillips, even devra , ada and others could be in his

  25. JoJo Stratton a chance yes but from what I'm hearing he really not unhappy where he's at.

  26. Perhaps then Jarvis was simply a host.  Maybe Niantic was trying to kill whatever was trying to escape the lab but didn't count on it having a portal nearby to slip into.  Were you ever made aware of an entity that they were targeting?

  27. An entity, well that could explain that spooky jarvis white eye storyboard,
    if he picked something up..

  28. I'd missed the white eye...  Yeah. Its pretty clear somebody wanted Jarvis dead.  But that somebody did some planning.  How else would the woman who looked like Devra suddenly appear.  What was her name?

  29. I think there was a communication that linked ada to arranging for katalena

  30. Well i am calling it white eye, it and the shadow figure panel of the killing are the two spookiest panels for me...

  31. Maybe Roland Jarvis or the entity inside had walked into the assassination in an attempt to kill Devra.  Someone else intervened and the other woman appeared which foiled the entities plan.

  32. JoJo Stratton What's your take on that recording?

  33. Is that the anonymous caller recording (my phone is not opening it), if it is, i thought that was a random call? What are you thinking?

  34. Yes it's the call on the recording titled Katalena.  I'm not sure who it could be making the call.  It kind of sounds like ADA from our scanner??  Maybe she is calling an escort to the location to meet a John (Roland Jarvis ) so she is mistaken for Jarvis.  ADA organized the escape and the woman on the phone says it will be late but doesn't provide a definitive time.  Just "late" and that she will notify an hour in advance.  The only one who knew where they were going was ADA.

  35. After listening a few times, it really sounds like ADA.

  36. *mistaken for Devra is what I meant to say.  The call girl was the double.

  37. Yes and computers disguise voices, so easy to explain that. There is a
    later discussion between i think calvin and ada or ni or such and it pretty
    much outs ada as setting that up.

  38. Ok so maybe ADA was aware that Jarvis was infected and this was her plan to separate Devra from him.

  39. Ooooooo what if they had trapped something and it used the escape event to
    escape as well.... On a side note, there were discussions about if ada
    could be shaped. What if this thing found way to talk to ada and it and ada
    cooked up jarvis and devra escaping to help it out (ok that is wild
    speculating, but very fun ;)

  40. Perhaps ADA is the voice of reason being a non-biological machine.  Shapers affect the mind, but how can they infect that which has no true biological brain.

  41. Maybe it was to prevent the entity from jumping into the other woman.  But they failed to consider the statue.  Devra would have been out of range.

  42. Even so, why have the double at all?  Are we sure ADA made the assassination call to Hubert Farlowe ?

  43. Why do you say ada told hubert? I thought the nia ordered that

  44. The double could also have been used to fool Hubert Farlowe initially into telling Niantic she was dead.

  45. I think someone else ordered and ada saw order and set up katalena. Also there was a pac thought of day and comunication that there might be more to katalena, but not sure if we found out what....

  46. I think it went into the portal to wherever the portals lead to in a different dimension.  I can only assume that Hubert blacked out from an emission that was released when the transport took place.

  47. Phillips and I both had it come across our com links

  48. Justin Melville From Dec.26th "Deception" audio clip we know ADA ordered the execution of Jarvis and Devra: http://www.nianticproject.com/?id=sc126a

    The order probably went through Phillips who brought along Hubert.

    I think ADA needed the double to stage Devra's death or at least buy her time to slip away.

  49. Was there a source in your com?  You wouldn't just accept an order from a random person with no identity to perform something such as a murder.

  50. Justin Melville they are our com's who thought ADA could excess the system.These are given to us by the NSA

  51. Ok so ADA accessed your comm and told you to kill the two of them then.  It's safe to assume she knew something was off with Jarvis or she would have no reason to separate Devra from him.  After you woke up did you tell your boss that Devra and Jarvis were killed?

  52. Justin Melville    Phillips was with me but he wasn't as close to the bodies at the time of the green mist.Once I was OK he sent me after Devra.

  53. Hubert Farlowe  So Phillips was not knocked out at all then, or just for less time?  How did he know where to send you to find Devra?  Is there a relationship between the phone with ADA being pawned by the couple on the train that led you to where she was headed?  Is ADA herself traceable?

  54. This is where we get into murky water with Devra's story.  There is conflicting information about where she was headed on that train ride.  From the story that was written it would appear that Devra Bogdanovich is headed to Zagreb, however in the Glitchy 2 video it is stated that she was on a train to Geneva, not Zagreb.

  55. Justin Melville Phillips was off  talking to the cleaners when it happened and after he was very upset and just said "Go find her" and off I went. I just wanted to get away from there,I took a rental and went east.I had an hunch and followed followed it.

  56. So if you're heading East then Geneva was not an option, but that is clearly where the couple got the phone from (a Westbound train).  So now we're dealing with a multi-dimensional aspect to Devra.

  57. Linda Besh What happened to Nat K. was terrible, but remember the NIA is not in the business of cotton candy and teddy bears. They'll abduct or kill whoever they want or need to in order to tie off ends or make their version of the truth fit...

  58. So either you went in the wrong direction on your hunch, or both occurred.  But how to know which dimensional plane is factoring in here.

  59. Hubert Farlowe Is it possible your hunch was generated from the story?  XM is directly related with art, and if that's the case perhaps the literature influenced your choice.  Did ADA know this and send Devra in the opposite direction?  The interesting thing about the story, is that the travel time corresponds to Devra going to Geneva and not Zagreb.  When she took her "nap" and woke up at her destination, she believed it passed by very quickly, but what realistically happened it her travel time was significantly less since she was going to a much closer location.  How do you know you're on the right track heading East?  Have you seen her at all or signs she was there?

  60. Hubert Farlowe I mean you're saying you're with her now, but how is that possible.  What is the time and date where you are right now with her?

  61. Justin Melville Not sure how reliable the witness accounts of where Devra lost her phone are due to recall bias.

    Ben Jackland was told by the eBay seller that the phone was picked up on a train ride to Geneva. That eBay seller could be 1 or 2 degrees removed from Mika/David, which would muddy the story. And even if the seller was David himself, I doubt he's going to give an accurate, detailed, or true background story about an item he obtained illegally.

    Also keep in mind that Ken Owen told Ni on Nov.7th that Devra lost the phone while traveling to Zurich. So there are 3 separate stories about the phone. One to Geneva, one to Zurich, and one to Zagreb...

  62. Hubert Farlowe did Mr Philips send you after Devra to protect her?

  63. Johnathan Chung Those are all reasonable explanations, but we would still need to verify a timeline before we could come to any definitive answer.  Yes it is possible that he lied about where he got it, or that there was a degree of separation, but it is also just as possible that the opposite is the case since we have no hard evidence.  Heresay in the form of "documents" can't always be trusted, especially with ADA mentioning she would be providing false information in the recording you linked to.  This is why we need some timeline anchors from you Hubert Farlowe.

  64. anne brooks He said find her and contact him.
    Justin Melville I have a time problem but I'll help where I can....I'm headed out now and be back soon

  65. Take care Hubert Farlowe , of yourself and Devra Bogdanovich.  In the meantime try to remember some dates for our next conversation so we can begin to assemble this puzzle.  Without an anchor piece it will be impossible.

  66. Hubert Farlowe thank you. That's interesting.

  67. I agree the confusing part is there are multiple timelines and that it would help to get a definitive "anchor point" from someone who was there.

    For example:

    According to actual "real life" news articles, the Dalmatian sculpture Devra saw in An Exotic Matter was only on display from mid July 2011 to December 2011.

    The dbnews2.png student article asking where is Devra had an image overlay of another actual "real world" article dated December 9, 2011, so dbnews2 had to have been written any time after that. When dbnews2 was written, it said no one had heard from Devra for "a few weeks" already. The dbnews1 article said Devra hoped to return to teaching in Fall 2012. This means Devra starting working at Niantic anywhere between the end of November 2011 at the very earliest and mid 2012 at the very latest (most likely somewhere in between in early 2012).

    But how could she have seen a sculpture (in 2011) during her escape from the Niantic Facility without even having been recruited to Niantic yet (in 2012)...?

    Or perhaps you could say she joined Niantic at the earliest possible time in Nov/Dec. 2011 and tried to escape the same month, at which time she could have seen the Dalmatian sculpture right before it was removed. However, the Cover-up / Hoax news articles are copyrighted 2012, which means Epiphany Night and the escape occurred in 2012 long after the Dalmatian sculpture was gone (to be precise, autopsy report said Jarvis was found dead on December 1, 2012).

    Also, the eBay auction of Devra's phone to Ben Jackland ended on July 11, 2012. So that means she lost her phone at least 6 months before Jarvis was shot, which doesn't make sense--so there has to be multiple timelines/dimensions in play here.

    Of course, this all hinges on the question of whether we can trust An Exotic Matter as an accurate account of what happened to Devra on Epiphany Night, or was it just fiction, or are we supposed to selectively believe only certain details (like where she 'lost' her phone) but ignore others (like which sculpture she saw)?

  68. I wonder where ben jackland is now, we know he is playing with the NIA chip, as we have seen him interfering with the comms. But where is he now, why hasn't he contacted PAC?

  69. Also to throw into the mix, supposedly Felicia wrote this manuscript a bit
    ago, the storyboards were drawn a bit ago, the script written, a bit ago

    what if seeing the "future" is not a fixed event here. Let me see if I can
    explain. Author A writes Exotic Matter at time A about events taking place
    in Time B. At this point, Time B is tied to time A based on a series of
    events that would lead from Time A to Time B.

    So time begins to pass, and people have knowledge of Time B before Time B
    and begin to change events based on that, which causes ripples ala
    butterfly effect, and thus Time B is CHANGED, shifted. So what we would
    see when we reach our Time B is different from the Time B Author A was

    This assumes, time is not linear, per se, and can be influenced. It also
    assumes that when we see future events, they are NOT set, which is
    something still up for debate as some argue all future is set and that the
    future one sees is already accounting for someone in the past seeing the
    future and altering their actions.

    So, it is possible that what Felicia and script writer wrote WAS a future
    but why we see small shifts from those accounts.

    Also, as someone mentioned (it may have been J. chung, or someone else,
    sorry I am not crediting properly, all this is running together in a mush
    these days :-), but someone mentioned what if the reason in EM it mentions
    Devra having blonde hair and that california look and the picture in the
    phone are different is because the actress whose picture we see, was cast
    to be in the movie, and so we are having that information overlap... well,
    what if similar pieces are overlapping as well... thus making
    it possible to legitimately have two different sets of info for the same
    thing (such as where Devra lost the phone)

    OOO I hate time paradoxes ;)

  70. JoJo Stratton that made sense to me. I've been saying all along that time is not linear but we find that concept hard to understand. We are taught to see it that way.

  71. And i thank you for sharing those! You and the others have really had
    awesome ideas and been helping to "shape" many thoughts and concepts ;) I
    love to listen to the assorted ideas and information that flows.


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