#ingress #nianticproject #niantic

#ingress   #nianticproject   #niantic  

Originally shared by Edgar Allan Wright

I'm thinking that, though we don't get explicit, had a relationship with Dr. Wright while she was a student. It cost him his job and some discipline.  As he became more and more outcast (both for his fanaticism, she tried to separate).  Now he's kind of a stalker, but she realizes that he was kind of right.  And, well, maybe she feels bad about what happened to him.  She may need his help at some point, and should probably mention him in the story.  Gives him cred on Google+.


  1. and are you alright Dr. Wright, this post seems a little, odd and off.

  2. Speaking of oneself in the third person is a bit strange.

  3. Edgar Allan Wright If it is kind of right then was it really fanaticism?  What help can you give to Devra at this point?

  4. Also you stated we are looking at the wrong things about MU.  Maybe MU are determined based on the fields coverage of each faction.  A field covering one factions agents could boost the MU count for one faction and the blanket could suppress the MU count for the opposing factions agents who are under the field.  This could explain why the graph seems to be inversely proportional in some ways.

  5. I'm getting the impression Wright is kind of a whacko.

  6. Like more than one voice is speaking in his head if you know what I mean.

  7. Based on some information I have found, the MU count from a given field does not affect the global numbers at a 1:1 ratio.  I wonder what variables then are considered in conjunction with the field MU count to reflect that total number.  I'm not sure if he's a whacko just yet, why do you think that flint dille ?

  8. Yes I see that, something reading his thoughts perhaps.  But as for Wright himself being a whacko I'm not so sure.  He may be another host however in light of his recent post.

  9. Edgar Allan Wright did you write that post or was it someone else? If so who wrote it?

  10. Linda Besh I think this is a reference to someone mentioning Dr. Wright.  flint dille keeps mentioning Edgar Allan Wright is a whacko, I think the goal is to give Edgar some cred so he isn't perceived as crazy.  Maybe the woman is the author, or even author/ Devra Bogdanovich under a pen name. Thomas Greanias can you describe this author to us?  Does she look like Devra or is she operating under a different name?

  11. The woman who wrote the book? I can't remember her name though.

  12. Yes, but many authors use a pen name rather than their actual name.  Also if it was made as a breadcrumb trail for Devra, using her own name would be illogical if she were trying to hide it from those following her.

  13. Hmm yes. I was thinking about the statement I saw somewhere about those heavily influenced by xm being able to write or create the future. Perhaps she wrote Edgar up as being like the statement but he is in fact fighting against that. Just a random thought for too early in the morning here.

  14. Yes, maybe Edgar's post is a message to Devra in a different time.

  15. I like the time thoughts and what if Felicia was Devra - ha, now that would
    be weirdly interesting.....

  16. She states several times that she isn't Devra, but maybe she is Devra in another dimension?

  17. Well if you're trying to hide, you might not necessarily like to out yourself either.

  18. Maybe she doesn't know she's Devra.

  19. Doing peachy anne brooks, on holiday:)


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