I think there is much that #flint dille could explain if he were to stop and think about it.

I think there is much that #flint dille could explain if he were to stop and think about it.  As referenced above, I believe that misty's game sheet was from a game that does not exist in the timespace shard upon which we are all riding at this moment. #Hugo Neves.

Originally shared by Hugo Neves

So I been following (among some others) flint dille due to the Niantic Project. And it kept nagging me why this name was familiar. I was sure I had seen it before. And then it hit me today. One name Gary Gygax...Yes the Gary Gygax. He was talking about him in his blog a bit before his dimise. The details are a bit murky. But it was something about the Magic Castle ?. Also there was a mention of a meeting with Orson Welles at the Mamaisson. But there was a mention to the Castle. Was he in both places? Is the castle something else? Kinda wondering if it relates somehow with the magician character of Misty now that I write this. Hope flint dille  can bring more info to all of this


  1. Just have to say:  CITATION REQUIRED.

    As far as I know, Gary Gygax had no blog.  He did, however, regularly post on several forums that I was/am a member of or lurked.

    I'll have to ask several people I know of who tried to curate Gary's posts just to be certain.


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