In my expert opinion, Misty Hannah might well be that unique breed of sensitive who is capable of Hyperthreading.

In my expert opinion, Misty Hannah might well be that unique breed of sensitive who is capable of Hyperthreading.  There is something about the confluence of her old Character record sheet and GaryCon that suggests to me that she has created an Emergent Anomaly while I suspect that Jarvis had a hand in the Wallace Anomaly and Cahokia was an issue of chance or of some as of yet confluence involving Henry Holland Johnson.


  1. You are correct. His name is Henry Holland Johnson.  Hollis, of course, was my friend and colleague who died as the Niantic Tragedy was in its inception.  It is a slip.  I would not call it Freudian, exactly, but a slip that I used my friend's name.

  2. Ah ok.For a second I was wondering if I had missed some connection between mister Johnson and the departed Dr

  3. and are you saying then that each of these three cases, Wallace (Jarvis), Cahokia and now the "Misty" portals are three different examples of how portals can be.... "used"?


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