I am not yet prepared to answer today's Question of the day, yet and am very interested in input from Operation...

I am not yet prepared to answer today's Question of the day, yet and am very interested in input from Operation Essex and others... The thing I find most curious is the Tecthulhu... Unless I am very wrong, it is the culmination of research done from antiquity to Die Glocke to now.... I am feeling that Nigel Moyer's research is going to be at the base of it and Susanna's post San Diego journeys are the key. Look for more pieces of the Howcraft Manuscript and Felicia's works.


  1. So, I am still "cloudy" on what Tecthulhu is - from your post Edgar Allan Wright is it a concept or idea then and not a single, direct physical thing?

  2. My first thought, in relation to the Tecthulu was that it probably be kind of a borg like deity from outer space, maybe ADA's true 'mother in mind', the spark that gave her the awareness and her insight.

  3. JoJo Stratton It's a characterization intended to influence opinion.

  4. Tecthulhu implies something sinister by name. Edgar Allan Wright The fact is though, technology is only ever doing what it is told and programmed to do, it is not inherently evil- it depends on its master. It is the forces behind whatever Tecthulhu is, who need to be identified for us to be prepared for it.

  5. I think I'm in agreement with Hank Johnson​ it is a piece or machinery.

  6. influence whom and in what direction? The odd thing about analogies and alignment, if no one knows the reference you are using, it makes no impact. My students and I are having this discuss right now as we study memes and the Culture of Technology. Is the concept of Cthulhu well enough known and known in the circles that are intended to be influenced and thus give the "lovecraft" concept associated with Cthulhu

  7. Felicia Hajra-Lee Sounds like a good time for an Exotic Matters blog post!

  8. I find I really like Felicia Hajra-Lee and enjoy her writing and the occasional terse reply she offers

  9. Plus she wrote a lot about Devra Bogdanovich  too :P

  10. Techthulu - might be the human mind, knowledge and soul transfered into a machine, missing body and I/Me.


  11. The thing people forget about Cthulhu is that Cthulhu is not evil. Cthulhu has such an alien mindset that humans are not able to comprehend it's motives since it regards us as being as we regard insects or a source of nutrients (assuming it even comprehends what we are).


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