Let me warn you of this.
Let me warn you of this. Whoever gets the three scientists still held in CERN will lead the XM arms race. Do not underestimate the capabilities and knowledge of any of them. The arrogant fools at HAZDATA and the NIA underestimated Carrie Cambell and look what happened to them. We have yet to see what Enoch Dalby will unleash on the world when Epiphany Night is completed.
Originally shared by Niantic Project
A leaked Hulong Transglobal document picks up a thread we are following today, and carries it back many years.
I have long suspected that Zeke Calvin and Hank Johnson's history goes back well past the Niantic Project, that the post-it note on Hank's DOD transcript was a cover to obscure their past relationship, but the evidence has always been a bit fuzzy.
Certainly, both operators have been nested deep in the intelligence world for most of their careers. Calvin at the NIA running projects like Whydah, and Hank as a Psy-Ops specialist exploring anomalous activity in areas like Afghanistan, the site of one of Tycho's first visions. (On a side note, there are rumors that Tycho was spotted again at this year's Comic-Con)
In the document I received today, we see them conspiring together against the forces mobilized by IQTech Research operator Lorazon and what one expects may be a deadly strike force commissioned by Hulong Transglobal's Catherine Fan.
My question for the day involves Whydah: (a passcode for those who contribute thoughtful posts)
Details are scarce about Project Whydah, we know Misty Hannah was involved, as was Zeke Calvin, but what was the goal, what did they accomplish, who else was involved and how did the work that began at Whydah lead the NIA towards establishing the Niantic Project?
Tycho's Afghanistan Vision: http://goo.gl/MlGP9
Hank's DOD Debrief: http://goo.gl/ZybU4
Hank's Parting Words: http://goo.gl/Nu01u
Shaper Study Proposal: http://goo.gl/bneUV
Project Whydah: http://goo.gl/rk75t
Felicia Hajra-Lee's novel, The Niantic Project: Ingress, is available on Google Play ( https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=BKE4MsCPlX8C ) and in the Amazon e-book store ( http://www.amazon.com/The-Niantic-Project-Ingress-ebook/dp/B00CTSZQ9Q ). #nianticprojectingress

Originally shared by Niantic Project
A leaked Hulong Transglobal document picks up a thread we are following today, and carries it back many years.
I have long suspected that Zeke Calvin and Hank Johnson's history goes back well past the Niantic Project, that the post-it note on Hank's DOD transcript was a cover to obscure their past relationship, but the evidence has always been a bit fuzzy.
Certainly, both operators have been nested deep in the intelligence world for most of their careers. Calvin at the NIA running projects like Whydah, and Hank as a Psy-Ops specialist exploring anomalous activity in areas like Afghanistan, the site of one of Tycho's first visions. (On a side note, there are rumors that Tycho was spotted again at this year's Comic-Con)
In the document I received today, we see them conspiring together against the forces mobilized by IQTech Research operator Lorazon and what one expects may be a deadly strike force commissioned by Hulong Transglobal's Catherine Fan.
My question for the day involves Whydah: (a passcode for those who contribute thoughtful posts)
Details are scarce about Project Whydah, we know Misty Hannah was involved, as was Zeke Calvin, but what was the goal, what did they accomplish, who else was involved and how did the work that began at Whydah lead the NIA towards establishing the Niantic Project?
Tycho's Afghanistan Vision: http://goo.gl/MlGP9
Hank's DOD Debrief: http://goo.gl/ZybU4
Hank's Parting Words: http://goo.gl/Nu01u
Shaper Study Proposal: http://goo.gl/bneUV
Project Whydah: http://goo.gl/rk75t
Felicia Hajra-Lee's novel, The Niantic Project: Ingress, is available on Google Play ( https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=BKE4MsCPlX8C ) and in the Amazon e-book store ( http://www.amazon.com/The-Niantic-Project-Ingress-ebook/dp/B00CTSZQ9Q ). #nianticprojectingress

I was very surprised to learn they and the detection algorithm hadn't already been onboarded to IQTech. If NIA isn't directing HAZDATA's action then it leaves the open question of who their ultimate client actually is. Is their a fourth player outside the 3 known arms makers or was this simply a shortsighted response to congressional investigation? It's one thing to have a ruthless and invasive government agency acting in the shadows, but I can't decide if it is more or less disturbing to think that that same organization may be run by bumbling fools.
ReplyDeleteProject whydah: the niantic project was conducted in a lab at CERN and a lab near the wreck of the Niantic. Whydah was likely conducted near the wreck of the whydah, therefore, Massachusetts. Probably Salem, as it was research based on the paranormal. We know Misty Hannah was involved and I suspect she may be hiding out in Salem; it's one of the few safe havens for our kind to work openly protected by others. I think we will see remnants of whydah at the Boston anomaly, leading north to Salem and south to the forsaken bridge water triangle
ReplyDeleteI like that about WHYDAH
ReplyDeleteAnd I am very concerned about Dalby - he seemed to, from an earlier transcript, be close to something akin to putting the necronomicon into sound
as to the three scientists - it might also depend if they end up in a place of their choosing or are forced...
lastly, Dr. Wright, there is a video referenced in the document you shared, do you know where a copy of this video might be?