I have just spoken with Stein Lightman.

I have just spoken with Stein Lightman. He has assured me that he soon posting definitive glyph interpretations on his new Google+ profile.  https://plus.google.com/u/0/115238965157544465033/posts.

Lightman is a scholar of the first order.  One of the few I consider a true colleague.  Ignore stories of him being a 'huckster'. Those were malicious rumors not to be taken seriously. 


  1. Thank you for sharing that contact, Dr. Wright.

  2. Thank you for the information, if the stories are untrue, who is spreading them and why would they do that? I believe Devra Bogdanovich may have had doubts, or do you feel what Felicia Hajra-Lee wrote about Devra in that regard is wrong (although Hank Johnson did verify that at least his portion of the novel is fairly accurate).  And how did you speak to Dr. Lightman, face to face or by phone or via an email?

    Did he happen to share exactly how he managed to produce all of these interpretations when no one else has? Was it under the influence of XM?


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