Linda Besh had an extraordinary find.

Linda Besh had an extraordinary find. I saw similar things at Whydah. The Glyphs have been with Mankind for a very long time.
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This is a storyboard dead drop we found in Detroit back in February...Carrie Campbell is writing glyphs on the wall! Anyone recognize them?
#ingress #glyphs #alignment
Unlike Stein, I do not divulge secrets.
ReplyDeleteI'm picking up this vibe and I'm not liking it.
ReplyDeleteSlight of hand? Jose Ramirez
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of whydah, today I was within a few hundred meters of the wreck.
ReplyDeleteEdgar Allan Wright with everything going on of late, you have been very quiet. I am curious what you think regarding Carrie Campbell and her potential death, the glyphs, Klue S. experience and also - regarding Stein Lightman - in this document ( ) he slipped into potential fits, do you think he could again and is this perhaps something that was happening to Carrie and potentially others? -