In approaching the question of who are the Shapers, I would first ask, 'who are we?'


  1. Are you implying we are the shapers ?

  2. I think he means 'why are we important to them? '

  3. Both excellent theories. The important thing is to explore the question.

  4. ok explore we will. So let's see you ask the question as who we are as human race ? or who we are ppl that are aware of XM ?

  5. I'm certain of the presence of terrestrial shapers. It's the dimensional ones that need further exploring. It's ironic that the latter are the ones people feel so sure of, imagining monsters of some sort, while ignoring the shaping done by humans.

  6. This question goes along with one of my crazier theories. If What Jarvis says in his manifesto is true, Then we all may be living in an XM delusion. If the Shapers are able to perfectly represent us and our universe, then who is to say we aren't all XM copies living in an XM copy of the world?

  7. We can also approach the we as those asking the question. I always think of Schrodinger's cat, as you make an observation you influence the system. many things that are never truly know because everyone sees/comprehends them differently... I mentioned this so long ago but the parable of the three blind men and the elephant....

  8. Edgar Allan Wright I used to belong to a group in which we talked about this very subject. All of us in this group dove deep in the rabbit hole.

    A friend of mine made a comment in the like of this question.  My friend said. I believe portals in the mind are analogous to Ingress Portals.  Unlocking new thoughts... Thought itself opens portals... Shapers exploit these portals to insert ordered information. 

    So your question of who are the shapers? To answer that we must ask ourselves what do they want. And even a precursor to that question, Who could benefit from shaping others.

    I do not see shapers as the weird alien invaders that most portray them to be. I lean more to the liking of what Hugo Neves mentioned.

    I speculate "Because thats what I do, usually wrong but sometimes Wright"
    The answer to these questions are:

    Q. Who are the shapers. 
    A. Every living thing that can express itself.

    Q. Why would they benefit from shaping someone. To immerse others in our personal thoughts and Ideas. To explain things using the tools we have gained such as experiences though our life. It could be a subconscious technique of persuasion, or "Like I tend to do" use counter thoughts and ideas to help find flaws in my own or to help build strength in my portals aka Ideas and views on reality.

    What do the shapers want?

    Data.... They place organized data into your "Portals". That person sees on comms that your portal is under "attack" and your portal has now flipped colors.

    Now you have three options.

    1. Retaliate. use more xm to destroy the newly flipped portal to return the thought or idea to your own personal beliefs.

    2. You can let it remain the opposing color and accept it as it is, but risk being shunned by people who share your ideals.

    Now..... You can see a lot of option 1. between the parties in governments, groups clubs and Agents. Its constant back and fourth with no resolution. There is never a winner.

    2. Is for the weak minded and are very susceptible to the wolves that will abuse this trust.

    I will say. I am enjoying the field art that is exploding all over the world. Which brings me to 

    3. You can work on the hypothetical portals together. Thats right. Throw data at it until it becomes a L9 portal. An evolved state. Tested many times standing tall. But why stop there. Why be content. If a L1 is a thought then an L6 Is a hypothesis. Then an L9 would be a theory.  Why not stop until its an L13. A law.

    See I believe we are all shapers. We all live in our own dimension with our own thoughts and ideas. Its not until we have someone else who momentarily steps near our portal and questions it. 

    How? I mean if we are in different dimensions then how do we communicate. By thoughts. See Others also have that same portal. That same thought or idea.... Only slightly different. They see that portal and use exchange your data with theirs via xm. Hence why Larger portals emit larger amounts of XM. There is more thoughts and Ideas going back and fourth. It starts off as a discussion. progresses as a debate, but only truly grows if others help build it. With out others data its just a thought in your head. 

  9. I am a shaper, as are you. I welcome anyone to who does not posses no close minded malicious Refractors or viruses to help me build all of my portals. When I ask Why or How or what or when or who.... Its not because im staring at a wall waiting for my portal will grow. I can pour all the water in the world on it and it will still remain a seed (L1). But when one person comes and says, hey thats a tomato plant(L2). And another tells me. it needs to be planted in the soil(L3). yet another comes along and replies, but only in the spring after the last frost, (because you know i made that mistake once)(L4). Oh and dont forget to water it once a week.(L5). You want it to have full sun (L6). The reason we water and need sun is so the plant can photosynthesise. (L7) Thats a nice plant you have there but if you want to increase its productivity you need to make sure the soils PH is a 5.0. (L8) Your fruit is cracking, its because of either over watering, which you haven't been doing or because the plant is not absorbing enough calcium. (L9) Planters gypsum is a great source of calcium for tomato plants, make sure to put plenty around the root system before you plant it Also spray its leaves with a proper combination of baking soda and water. (L10) Your soils ph is good, and you have calcium But your soil is just top soil To make your fruits larger and more attractive, and produce a larger yield you need proper nutrients that can be  obtained in manure and compost. (L11) You may lose some of the yield but it will make the produced fruit much better, my grandfather always told me to pinch off the tiny branches that grow between two other branches. He calls them suckers. (L12). Wow those are some amazing tomato plants. but i see they keep falling over. vines are weak. Next year, before you plant lay the tomato plant on its side for a few days. It will correct itself as it grows toward the sun. The rest of the stalk can be planted and will turn into a strong root system. (L13) 

    Now you have something amazing. But as we meet new beings with new experiences you can share what you have learned, as well as take in what they have learned. Nothing is perfect, Even ADA has a 99.9998 Threshold. (maybe not the exact number) but you get the idea. Never settle. keep improving.

    If we keep going back and fourth destroying eachothers portals, we will NEVER evolve. We will die as a society due to our own selfish close minded, pig headed urge to say...... IM RIGHT AND YOU ARE WRONG. <------ ha i just said im right and you are wrong PERIOD.


  10. We are Shapers, yet Shapers are alien to us.
    All of this has happened before, and it will all happen again.

  11. Bostrom's simulation argument would imply that Shapers are to gamers as we are to Sims, loosely speaking. There may not be a victory condition, and each Shaper may have a distinct agenda. There's a reason many ancient mythologies featured feuds between divinities. The Greek gods were portrayed as having human failings and passions. Maybe Shapers are learning from us how to be human, and that's what draws them in.

    Whatever we are, we shape matter. We are what we do.

  12. 60 years of observation, study, experience, and warfare have convinced me that we are souls consisting of at least mind, emotion, and will. In this present natural domain we exist in biological vessels, but we are not these vessels, unless we accept the shaping these vessels exert upon us. I am convinced that we are always experiencing attempts at shaping us by beings beyond our natural ability to detect. I do not think we are the shapers, but are usually the tools of the shapers. And those shapers use our bodies to attempt to shape us. I am also convinced that shapers have many different forms, powers, character, and strengths. My pursuit of shapers began when I was 7 and heard a shaper talk to me in my mind and give me the task. In my pursuit it became obvious that shapers were warring over who and what we would become. I have met, communed with, and became a disciple of the 3-in-1 God of the Bible, the same shaper of Solomon.


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