I have been silent for too long.

I have been silent for too long.  I fear that truly momentous events are coming.  Who is ultimately behind the dissemination of Ingress Scanners and for what purpose have they facilitated the collection of that substance now known as Exotic Matter?

And beyond that, who has encouraged Dr. Lightman to reease the secrets of the Shaper Glyphs?  Would not the Death of Carrie Cambell have served as enough of a Warning?

And why have they not told of the power in wearing faction glyphss and shaper protective glyphs on Samhain, the ancient rite associated with a primitive incarnation of 13MAGNUS?


  1. You seem to have some detailed knowledge of 13Magnus' rites and rituals.  Is that a natural outcome of your own anthropological research or have you had more direct contact you can share an account of.  As you say, the time is coming when we'll all need to make informed choices and take action.

  2. I have been wondering about our scanners for a while, now. If the scanners were from Niantic, and the Niantic Project was shuttered, why are we still getting updates, and who is sending them out?

  3. I think the Resistance should be asking the most searching questions in this regard. After all, you think you're "protecting" us from something, but you use the same mechanics, equipment, and methods that the Enlightened do... At the very least, I know what I'm fighting for- the spreading and basic right of human access to the ancient energy which inspired artists, shamans, and holy men since time immemorial. Do you know what you're fighting against?

  4. Incidentally, I'd love to know more of these primitive rites which you speak. The ancients' understanding of Enlightenment could give us great power today.

  5. Man... If only we knew a person, who had a thorough understanding of galactic cosmic rays and solar winds. Or maybe someone who doesn't just believe what everyone tells them. A Skeptic of sorts. Someone who, you know, doesn't need to conform to the hierarchy trickle down intel Barium because they no longer have a reputation to uphold.

    A person who has the one connection most of us have not had. A connection with the people of Niantic.

    Man where can we find a person to help us who has a grasp on the concept that portals are the connectors to two dimensions and someone can exist on both sides.

    Man A person with that intel Edgar Allan Wright Would really be a big help right now.

    Any Ideas???

  6. It seems like everyone fitting that description is either undercover, won't talk, or "disappears".

  7. Edgar Allan Wright I once asked Richard Loeb the same question, who released the Scanner app onto the Play Store?

    His response: 'no comment.'

  8. I'm guessing discovering who released the scanner would be "season 2" if this were a game. Maybe.

  9. Derek Allen That would be season 3. "13 Magnus" is season 2. Season 1 was "What is the Niantic Project".   ;-)

    I also posted asking about who was releasing the scanner updates on Jul 2nd, especially considering we got updates of tech from 3 competing companies  - Ingress responded "Good question".

  10. Stephen DeLuca Good point. I never thought of it like that before.

  11. It is my suspicion that man has always known of the Shapers, but the interpreted them with the tools at hand. For us, it is science and the Ingress Scanner.  Despite my vast study into the field I only know a piece of it.  Maybe no more than a Nazteka Shaman. Power comes in groups sharing the knowledge.  That is why I was disappointed not to be asked to be part of Niantic.  Had Waratah gone differently.  Had Devra and I parted differently, the world might be a different place.

    For all of the power of physics, all, in my opinion is determined making significant choices.

  12. Edgar Allan Wright understanding the Shapers and XM has always reminded me of the  story of blind men describing an elephant.

  13. Plato's cave, Jung's archetypes, our mysterious ordered data only detectable via advanced quantum physics - There's long been a sense that some external level of existence is significant to our thinking and the world around us.  As you say, we use the tools at our disposal to describe it.

  14. Jung? We may as well invoke alchemy, which was also an obsession of Sir Isaac Newton. I need to review the literature regarding the Ka and Ba.

  15. Edgar Allan Wright Was Project Waratah the ESP experiment that wound up blemishing your career?  Or something else?


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