It is as if the phrase 13MAGNUS was a key that unlocked hidden parts of my memory.

It is as if the phrase 13MAGNUS was a key that unlocked hidden parts of my memory... Dormant...  A synapse bridged... It coming back in waves...  Images... Flashes... Seattle... The Space Needle...  The Assassin from Parallax View...  We live in a world forged by our imprints...  Seattle... Felicia.  I knew her, but from where?  Waratah...  Who is she?  Is IQTech Parallax in code?  Is 13MAGNUS my Coronet Blue...  Do we all have one?  Its coming back.. But not clear... Associations without firmament...  13MAGNUS is an idealized condition... Somebody said that...  It exists for a moment, leaving traces... Leaving clues...  But you have to know how to follow them."  Somebody said that.  Was it Lightman?  Calvin? Kureze?  Devra?  What do they know?  What have they forgotten? Is it only me?

The Sharding...  What is the Sharding within and without...  I got a call from a Niantic Operative... Mumbai... Searching for the Awakening or the Transcendence or something... It all added up to the Enlightenment. Osiris...  Yama... Kala... Annubis...  Ascention... That was it.... Ascention... Tamarind...  The Sacred Spices....   All eyes will be on Atlanta...  But see Mumbai from the other...  'Swingin' on the Bombay one day...  Every move he makes...  Its tangled.  Cluttered. Reality. Art.  Music.  Movies.  All of it in a stew of consciousness...  Marinating...  Curry Land...  Atlantis...   Did I really get that call?  Yes.  Yes. It is here on my phone.. I really did.

I have done my best to record a thought stream.  Fractal thoughts that assemble to a truth.  I would not say that it is coming back.  I would say that it is crystallizing.  Yes. That's the word.  Make of this what you will..


  1. It must be very difficult to distinguish memories of personal experience from memories of observed (including theatrical) events in such a state.  Find your center and hold onto your sense of self.

  2. If we get the chance again, we need to talk Edgar Allan Wright.

  3. Sacred spices? Embalming?
    Quote: Their bodies did the Franks enfold In skins of deer, around them rolled; Laved them with spices and with wine, Till the king to Milo gave his sign, To Tybalt, Otun, and Gebouin; Their bodies three on biers they set, Each in its silken coverlet.

  4. More spices. Echoes of a canopic jar?
    Quote: King Richard I, the 12th century warrior whose bravery during the Third Crusade gained him the moniker Lionheart, ended up with a heart full of daisies, as well as myrtle, mint and frankincense. Those were among the findings of a French study, announced Thursday, which analyzed the embalmed heart of the English king more than 810 years after he died. The biomedical analysis also uncovered less flowery and spicy elements like creosote, mercury and perhaps lime in the heart, which has been in the western French city of Rouen since his death in 1199.

  5. In fairness to Dr. Wright. And I spend very little time being fair to him.  Isn't your perception a mix of direct experience and secondary experience.  I mean, I saw Fifth Estate yesterday.  It wasn't a real Julian Assange in the movie, (it was Benedict Cumberbach?(sp)), it was a movie, not reality. Time was compressed. Events were simplified. But still, I walked away feeling like I know more about Wikileaks.  Point is, our perception is a lot more than objective or direct data.

    Now I can go back to abusing Dr. Wright.

  6. Edgar Allan Wright I wouldn't be surprised if Zeke Calvin played a role in how you lost everything. That man has his hands deep into the world of Ingress and if anyone had to speak now i think it should be him....

  7. If a memory has been locked away, what was the precipitating event(s) that resulted in sealing? Or is this instead an epiphany unfolding?


    Another sunken ship.  Another NIA backed project? One from way back?

    So Edgar Allan Wright and Felicia Hajra-Lee worked together at some point, on this theoretical Project Waratah?

    I imagine Felicia is a pen name, and her sensitively is why she was selected for Project Waratah back then.

  9. Atlantis and sunken ships. Are we to make a connection?


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