Like all whose lives have touched Devras, I am extremely concerned for her now.

Like all whose lives have touched Devras, I am extremely concerned for her now. I am quite sure that nefarious forces are following up on a brief reference she made to having been at Arecibo and meeting Hank Johnson twenty years ago.  Stupid me, I had not put together that Johnson was the young Grad Student she met there who was studying certain ancient sites in the area.  Now, things are much clearer.  I now understand Dr. School's anger at the time.  Devra was young and confused.  If then grad student Johnson was doing what I think he was doing, I hope for her own sake that she is aware of the dangers that stalk her now. 

As for me, my research is showing a subtle 'change in things' coming. But I can say no more for now.


  1. Interesting things to be found on the island of enchantment besides that enormous observatory. I wonder if Dark XM calls from the caves and rain forest?

  2. Thank you for the info, I had noted the time but not made additional connections. Looking forward to hearing more about your research.

  3. I was just under the impression Paul tried and failed. I never thought to put Hank Johnson in the mix

  4. Triangles... Made when you link 3 portals... quite the field there ;)


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