EASY:  What is the name of the New York Times Bestselling Author who has been collaborating with Hank Johnson on the Alignment: Ingress and now ‘The Shaper Glyphs’ (tentative title?).
EASY:  Who was the first member of the Niantic Project Investigation Team to encounter Dark XM?
EASY:  Who is the Scientist who sacrificed her life to prevent the Shaper Self-Destruct Code.
MEDIUM:  Who was Carrie Campbells ‘significant other?
MEDIUM:  Which two Niantic Progject Researchers battled two weeks ago in Bangkok.
MEDIUM:  Who are the two authors of the prank academic document: Inquisitorial Contact?
MEDIUM:  Who showed up, by surprise, at the Los Angeles Event and for extra credit, who arranged the meeting?
MEDIUM:  What is the name of the Secret Society associated with the Myth of Osiris?
HARD:  Who is the Niantic Researcher most instrumental in translating Glyphs since the end of Operation: Cassandra?
HARD:  What is the name of the Hulong Executive who appeared in San Jose?
HARD:  What became of Jarvis after he defeated Dr. Lynton-Wolfe in Bangkok.
VERY HARD:  Speculation:  What information do you think Hank Johnson wants to suppress by gaining control of Felicia Hadjra-Lee’s manuscript.
VERY HARD:  What are the basic alignments of the three corporations and why do you think so?


  1. Do we post answers here, or should there be a form to fill out(so others can't just copy our answers)?  Or is this the questions to prepare for, and the test form is coming later?

  2. #WIN #WrightFaction  oh yeah where do you want the answers?

  3. I assume our job is to share this test to others. The answers are there for us to check them. If they do well, we let them in.

  4. there needs to be a g+ group then?

  5. rik finn Perhaps so. If that happens, i assume Edgar Allan Wright will be creating it.

  6. Wait and see if Edgar Allan Wright makes one

  7. Nikolas Moore No need. You have proven yourself. You have been accepted to Essex.  

    You have been accepted to Essex. You do not have to answer these questions. You should, however, pose them to others.  The only way we can compete with the NIA and the Corporations is to harvest the networked genius of our investigators.  That will be by bringing up those who believe that Ingress is just a game.

  8. Dear Edgar Allan Wright: I would like to express my interest in Essex. If you wish, you may access my answers in a private memo at Thank you for your consideration.

  9. Kelly Kolton
    or we could just vouch for you.  I Vote for Kelly.  +1 if you do to...

  10. With the ongoing attacks on #Ingress Report questioning Susanna Moyer 's credibility, the acknowledgement of Hulong Transglobal 's Catherine Fan after #13magnus Bangkok that all of the XM corporations have the capacity to alter leaked documents, and of course our former leak's( H. Richard Loeb ) blatant veering away from neutrality in his role on this investigation have me more than skeptical of ALL mainstream XM research HUBs.

    Of project Essex, Edgar Allan Wright , I have followed your cryptic, helpful, and charming contributions for close to a year now. I am nearly as eager as I am excited, however the overpowering skepticism of having been deceived one too many times rides high.

    What is #Projectessex ? An operation? A faction? An ideology? Is everyone here so eager to follow our mystery man without answering any question?

    Addendum: Furthermore, my dear Professor Wright, at the start of the year you sidestepped us with little question. This is different; here and now. Professor to Devra Bogdanovich in ages past? Dismissed, perhaps, for finding eachother a little too close? No, I suspect there is some sort of Intellectual Property involved here. Devra has a way of getting what she needs from people, doesn't she?

    Who are you Edgar Allan Wright , and who do you work for? It was only a January ago you posted concern of your commitment to a Non Disclosure Agreement for all the world to see. Who has muffled you, my dear, who has taken your voice?

  11. Hope and truth finding is what we are here for.

  12. Joshua Zaelos Truthseeking requires participation in a multitude of independent investigations. Biases within the various investigation groups ultimately cannot be avoided, but multi-sourced investigators can more easily recognize those biases, and steer their own investigation around them. All investigations like this should be approached with a healthy skepticism, but not so much that the skepticism becomes the very bias that prevents advancement of the truth you seek.

    Edit:  Nevertheless, your questions are intriguing and engaging.

  13. Dr. Wright May I make just one small suggestion. The creation of a hashtag to make the entire operation a bit easier to find later on. I would suggest #operationessex  , or #OPessex   as #essex   is already being used

  14. I've followed the story all along, it's been hard going some of the way but yes, I'm also interested.

  15. I'm up for the challenge! #truthseekers

  16. Hello Edgar Allan Wright ...I personally would like to explore and investigate with you in Essex.  I hope you consider me for recruitment.

  17. pertanyaannya kebanyakan "siapakah?", pengentotan kejawab salah kek benar kek aku mah ogah, cepek dulu.

  18. I would love to get involved with this as well.  I'm really engrossed in the plot, especially after participating in Cassandra.  You can definitely count on me.  I would love to discuss these events with others besides on the usual postings.

  19. Admittedly, I am new to this world; the theories and plots and secrets are still being discovered. I was directed here by another, for a reason, I presume. You have my attention, sir and I'm listening.

  20. I' d like to submit myself to the test. I want to see how far this rabbit hole goes

  21. Make sure you take the test and submit your answes to Edgar Allan Wright . The story will set you free.

  22. sherwin floyd the questions are in the first post above :)

  23. I want to see how deep the rabbit hole goes... #truthseeker

  24. Not for me. This seems like more of club than an actual faction.

  25. so, the answer is only will or not, to be part of propaganda and mattes said,"yes, i will".

  26. And why are some people being excepted without testing and others having to prove themselves with the test.

    Do you have to be a Flipper in order to be vetted? That's not very story like. Especially since most only flip because they are bored and their motives have nothing to do with the storyline.

    I'm thinking definitely a club, the more I think about it. A shame too, because I really wanted it to be legit.

  27. James McClellan because some have been chatting with Edgar for some time now (he showed up in December 2012) and so he is familiar with them.

  28. Ahhh so it is a club. People I know get in free of charge and the rest have to be beholden to them/us. A club. Not an actual and legitimate Faction. Correct?

  29. I've been there and done that already. Its not the first time I've seen it and probably wont be the last.

    What I'd like is an actual foreals third faction. Not some private side story startup posing as one. But I think everyone wants that as well. I'm just upset. This was made to look legit and then the testing and then some don't have to set off the alarm bells.

  30. James McClellan I don't think I would call it a club. That has a connotation associated with it that I don't think it merits.

    The reason some people have been vetted is that they have already shown that they are familiar with the history of, and the people involved in, the study of XM and Shapers. I.e. they have already passed the above test.

    The whole point is to spread this knowledge to more agents  and so grow this "Community of Truth Seekers" so that we may uncover the truth more readily.

    The test isn't to bar entrance to a "club". The test is for us Truth Seekers to identify those agents who are not aware of the story of XM - and hence why they are fighting for their faction in the first place - and then to help them understand this very complex story in hopes that they would join our ranks.

  31. Joshua Zaelos Welcome to Essex. You are now member #19.  We are small, but growing.  If you know other like minded Essex members, give them the Test. If you are satisfied with their answers, submit their name in a thread. If they are desirous, but not yet informed, help them to catch up.

  32. Bruce Kraemer You are now Essex Member number 20.  We are small, but growing.  If you know other like minded Essex members, give them the Test. If you are satisfied with their answers, submit their name in a thread. If they are desirous, but not yet informed, help them to catch up.

  33. anne brooks Yes. Unravelling the thread of the Ingress Project is a complex and demanding task. That is what the Essex is all about.  Communicate with the others here.  Take the test.  When you are committed to the truth.  Write to me and apply for membership.

  34. C. Seward You are Essex Member #21. We are small, but growing.  If you know other like minded Essex members, give them the Test. If you are satisfied with their answers, submit their name in a thread. If they are desirous, but not yet informed, help them to catch up.

  35. sherwin floyd I do not understand esek...

  36. Angeleena Mulligan You are now member 23 of Essex. We are small, but growing.  If you know other like minded Essex members, give them the Test. If you are satisfied with their answers, submit their name in a thread. If they are desirous, but not yet informed, help them to catch up.

  37. sherwin floyd You seem to have a facility for codes. That will be most valuable.  You are member 23 of Essex.

  38. Drew Dondero You are now member of Essex 24.  We are small, but growing.  If you know other like minded Essex members, give them the Test. If you are satisfied with their answers, submit their name in a thread. If they are desirous, but not yet informed, help them to catch up.

  39. Amanda Dabb You are now member #25 of Essex.  We are small, but growing.  If you know other like minded investigators, give them the Test. If you are satisfied with their answers, submit their name in a thread. If they are desirous, but not yet informed, help them to catch up.

  40. David Mattes You are now member of Essex #26.   We are small, but growing.  If you know other like minded investigators, give them the Test. If you are satisfied with their answers, submit their name in a thread. If they are desirous, but not yet informed, help them to catch up.

  41. allan, esek esek are mean fuck activities

  42. i'm just jocking, many question using who are? maybe the answer not to put someone's name in every categories, i think enough with their activies.

  43. Edgar Allan Wright I got sidetracked and never officially asked to join Essex. I would like to help.

  44. Edgar Allan Wright Interested,. Would like to offer an interpretation of the info available.

  45. I would be interested in joining. Although I am behind on the story line since just recently starting Ingress, I tend to have a knack for figuring things out and investigation. Once I read up on the story in it's entirety, I will attempt to answer your questions Edgar Allan Wright

  46. Having seen answers posted publicly in a number of places, the test seems compromised... I am interested though


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