The fever of yesterday has passed, leaving clarity.

The fever of yesterday has passed, leaving clarity.

I must throw everything I have into this investigation. I don't have money like the corporations. I don't have data like ADA or Omnivore. I don't even have the intel of the NIA, nor to I benefit from the knowledge of those who were actually on the Niantic Project.  But I do have, at my disposal, the best investigators in the world. I commence Operation Essex in memory of an ancestor.

It is our mission to assemble all of the data we have and follow the Ingression...  For the future the present and the past depend on our success.

Who will join me in Operation Essex?


  1. We start with today. What is important in the Wake of the events of yesterday. What did we learn from Dalby?  What was in the Document that Hank Johnson was trying to stop?  What was he afraid of?  We only look to the past when it helps with the future?  Atlanta and Mumbai are next. What is happening there? 

    Where are Jarvis and Lynton-Wolfe?  What is Devra up to? Think of us as an intel agency.

  2. Edgar Allan Wright did we not miss the document from olw? I thought niantic pulled him out before the information could be retrieved from him

  3. I'm not sure what to take from Dalby yet. I have clips of footage to dig through when I return from Seattle.

  4. Hopefully Nikolas Moore will join us in this rabbit hole

  5. I'll try and help. If he's recovered from yesterday I hope Anthony Castanza will join the investigation.

  6. And what about the post from Verum Inveniri...

    (will try to help of course)

  7. Edgar Allan Wright Count me in. But more importantly, how can I help in Operation Essex?

    Is that that what Verum Inveniri was hinting?

  8. Edgar Allan Wright I'm in. Talk to me soon-i'd like to help.

  9. You have the service of the Promethean group, doctor.

  10. I'm in Edgar Allan Wright . enoch dalby tapped into some sounds of nature, reminding us of the words of Stein Lightman . Be careful of all the noise around us. Nature has a way of letting us hear more clearly.

  11. You have my assistance, Dr. Wright.

  12. rik finn it would need to have bacon though right?

  13. rik finn Dont eat the steak and broccoli, I did and im not feeling so well

  14. Operation Essex. Named after the inspiration of Moby Dick. Always about a shipwreck, isn't it? At least this one involves one mean whale. Maybe ours can be red.

  15. I'm willing to collaborate. I'd recommend monitoring for any other symptoms in the wake of the apparent fever.

  16. This thread has shown that you have a majority vote within the members of WIN. You have the support of WIN and we shall use all our available resources to help this cause until we see corruption in the system. That being said as long as WIN supports this project. You also have the voices of #BRGXMNEWS willing to report findings to agents as long as they are in an unbias format.

  17. I expected OLW in Kiev to continue his assassination plan against Jarvis. Perhaps the surge of Enlightened activity slowed him down? He'll continue that path from what we've seen.

  18. I will help however my resources allow.

  19. Research calls to my blood, something I think you may understand Edgar Allan Wright - I am with the WIN agents and also offer whatever assistance I can. But, I do wonder - what ancestor do you reference? Have others in your line encountered 13Magnus or these types of events?

  20. All of you have been added to Operation: Essex.  Our mission is to Investigate, Disseminate and Recruit knowledgeable operatives.  We are not passive like Chapeau was. We are active.  Look around you. Find those who are aware and invite them.  If in doubt. Give them the test above.  Each week, we will have a new test. It should be disseminated by Essex operatives at on-line and in the real world. You are all charter members.  New members will have recruitment responsibilities and dissemination responsibilities.  I will post this week's test above.


    EASY:  What is the name of the New York Times Bestselling Author who has been collaborating with Hank Johnson on the Alignment: Ingress and now ‘The Shaper Glyphs’ (tentative title?).
    Thomas Greanias
    EASY:  Who was the first member of the Niantic Project Investigation Team to encounter Dark XM?
    Hank Johnson
    EASY:  Who is the Scientist who sacrificed her life to prevent the Shaper Self-Destruct Code.
    Carrie Campbell.
    MEDIUM:  Who was Carrie Campbells ‘significant other?
    Enoch Dalby.
    MEDIUM:  Which two Niantic Progject Researchers battled two weeks ago in Bangkok.
    Dr. Lynton-Wolfe and Jarvis.
    MEDIUM:  Who are the two authors of the prank academic document: Inquisitorial Contact?
    Hank Johnson and Devra Bogdanovich.
    MEDIUM:  Who showed up, by surprise, at the Los Angeles Event and for extra credit, who arranged the meeting?
    Klue -- extra credit, ADA.
    MEDIUM:  What is the name of the Secret Society associated with the Myth of Osiris?
    HARD:  Who is the Niantic Researcher most instrumental in translating Glyphs since the end of Operation: Cassandra?
    Stein Lightman.
    HARD:  What is the name of the Hulong Executive who appeared in San Jose?
    Katherine Fan
    HARD:  What became of Jarvis after he defeated Dr. Lynton-Wolfe in Bangkok.
    He sharded.
    VERY HARD:  Speculation:  What information do you think Hank Johnson wants to suppress by gaining control of Felicia Hadjra-Lee’s manuscript.
    That he discovered Roland Jarvis’ body at the Niantic Facility (that would take a very good reasoning in the game).  The easy answer, that he was part of the attack on the Niantic Facility at CERN and learned some things there.
    VERY HARD:  What are the basic alignments of the three corporations and why do you think so?
    Hulong -- Enlightened.  b) IQTech Resistance.  c) Visur goes both ways. Devra is Resistance, however.  Accept any thoughtful, informed answer to this question.

  22. I think "C"atherine Fan begin with C, not K. Jarvis is a research subject not a researcher.

  23. Mustafa Said asked where to answer the questions. If you are on this thread, you are already a member of Essex.  You do not need to answer them, save to keep yourselves sharp.

    You should, however, pose them to others.  The only way we can compete with the NIA and the Corporations is to harvest the networked genius of our investigators.  That will be by bringing up those who believe that Ingress is just a game.

  24. Sounds great. I'll start sending out some feelers.

  25. Edgar Allan Wright I want to investigate some truths..

  26. Peace and Greetings. I am more than willing to assist wherever possible.

  27. Edgar Allan Wright I'm in, do we get bacon?

  28. Edgar Allan Wright what is it you believe we are "ingressing" into with this INgression we are to follow?  And you mention the future, the present and the past depend on our success. We have seen potential present events influencing the past (Jarvis's portal appearances, the debate about the Cross Plains outcome influencing REH, certain events around Devra's timeline, etc.) are you implying that time is something influenced by what we are trying to track, research and understand?

  29. Crowdsourcing of the investigation is now initiated in my area, in the shadows.

  30. Edgar Allan Wright Can you help us with an acceptible criteria for recommending new members for this operation?  What percentage of these types of questions must they correctly answer?  Most? All? Any?  Or should it be based on general vibe and interest?  I have been getting some feedback from sharing these questions, but unsure what to tell agents with hit or miss responses.

  31. Daniel Beaudoin  think of this as a research group that highlight facts in the story that have been left behind by the excitement of these events. there is back story to be looked at as precursors for further plot developments, but a guide can help the audience /agents looking in the right direction as the story progresses..

  32. B. Williams Im hoping all that and more. It would be amazing to see where the rabbit holes go. Not only where they go, but i would love love love if our actions here some how had a reaction out in the field.

  33. Like maybe we stumble upon a currently unknown plot line, and it leads to this and that and this and that, and then if we do everything correctly "Or quite possibly incorrectly" it would cause an anomaly out the in field. I got tons of thoughts and ideas on what this can become, and im excited to see where the dungeon masters decide to take this.

  34. I seem to be a little late in catching up with things, but this certainly seems like an interesting operation.

    For quite a while now, I've been speculating about why we have so little actual confirmed data on XM research. We get almost daily leaks of apparently highly classified conversations, but very rarely anything more than speculation. With three corporations and the NIA known to be conducting research with apparently large budgets, why do we so rarely get anything other than conversations? Where's the data? What is really going on?

    I've always thought of myself as someone who takes an evidence based approach to unknown things. If I can help find out what is actually going on, rather than endlessly debating pointless straw man arguments, I'd like to offer my assistance and join operation Essex.

  35. And why Essex? Is this operation have any connections to England?

  36. What limited resources I have at my disposal are yours, Mr. Wright.

  37. Someone else mentioned that Essex is also a shipwreck, I think

  38. JoJo Stratton ,with shipwrecks the people aren't climbing aboard to get on immediately.

  39. Edgar Allan Wright could you please be sure to add Patrik Schlund José Ruiz and Davo Brawn to the list. They all passed the test

  40. I'm not on this list as far as I know either.

  41. B. Williams the rats haven't figured out that it's a maze yet...

  42. Operation Essex was an operation in Vietnam in 1967 between November 6 and 17:

  43. We have been kept out of the loop for far too long. Time to find out what these secret groups are up to. If it has any effect on society, we have a right to know.

  44. Edgar Allan Wright Thank you. I will do my best to work with and disseminate the information available.

  45. Little late to the party, but I think I'd like to jump on this ship.

  46. AgentsForADA It's never "too late" there is too much at stake!

  47. I think that we should limit this group to individuals, not organizations, that would exclude both AgentsForADA and EnlightenmentPR

  48. I think working in groups is what we are doing right now.

  49. AgentsForADA I do believe individual members of your organization would make fine members of this research group however.

    Then again, I suppose the big man, Dr. Edgar Allan Wright might not see anything wrong with it...

  50. Working in groups is not the same as working in the name of an organizations. Working in the name of Agents for ADA or Enlightement PR immediately bring the question if you are solely part of the group to exploit it solely for the gain of your own faction.

  51. there is little to be gained with such transparency.

  52. Pranav Saudagar If you would like to join, attempt to answer these questions in this post:

    Do your best to answer these questions
    Send me or the person that posted this the answers and you should be in.


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