Have we exhausted the number of potential Essexians?

Have we exhausted the number of potential Essexians?  Have you been giving the test?  Have they been failing.  I noticed a number of promising followers in the Niantic Thread.  They have been sewn as Ingrestigators, we should harvest them.


  1. I feel like we still haven't gained the legitimacy necessary for people to truly follow us

  2. Biggest problem is they want in, but are not willing to take the test. A shame, but if they can't do that much, they don't have much value.

  3. Yeah, I keep having that problem. I send out feelers but then people never get back to me with test answers.

    Personally I blame the structure of tagging people in posts on G+ for it (on mobile there is no good way to make those show up, when in fact they can be very important)

  4. Most of the people in my area are more... shall we say, "boots on the ground"; they're more interested in fieldwork and tactics than observation and analysis.


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