The documents are out there.

The documents are out there.  I will form al elite of those who are able to bring in five new qualified followers to Essex.  We must spread the knowledge without factional bias.


  1. Hmm. You sure this is the best idea? might kinda encourage quantity over quality.

  2. For interested people I can say Andrew Bone  , Morgan Jones  , Jay V van Zyl  , Jon Zulanas  and Daniel Benton 
    It will be up to them if they want to join us in search for the pure truth with no faction allegiances

  3. I feel Shauna Cooper Morgan Squiers Brendan McKelvy Crystal Gause Jason Polzin Todd Stone Casey S. Are all good new initiates

  4. Why create a hierarchy of elites if you're going for factional balance? Seems to me that the best way to msintain neutrality is to make everyone equal. Or perhaps Brandon'spig post pic relates more to Animal Farm? Will some be more equal than others with these new elites?

  5. Are they adding a recruit medal to #ingressmedals :) I agree with the need to increase the knowledge and spread of information, but at what cost, my wotd can apply to many resource systems :)

  6. Are you alright Dr. Wright? You seem to be communicating a sense of urgency that is giving way to carelessness, reminds me of another current rogue doctor...

  7. +1 for Linda Besh who brought me here. I will study the documents carefully before expressing an opinion.

  8. Jon Luning Cuppucake Sugarton If you're still interested in seeking the truth I suggest now is the best time to join us.

  9. Johnathan Chung Nancy Moïse Haws Casey Harmon Rory Durkin and Michael Lindsey are storyline followers

  10. I have spoken to all the potentials in on my list and they are all very eager to join

  11. Along with my previous two entries into the Essex community Cuppucake Sugarton Jon Luning  I have now recruited three additional agents who have Interest in seeking the truth. Arcos Razor patrick holland Brendan Dwyer


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