A year crosses over and another is born.

A year crosses over and another is born. I am not one who believes in astrology, but i do believe that there are cosmic moments of opportunity to see into and to change the future...  What is it that we see for the future of the INGRESSION?  What is it we hope for? What is it we fear? The Serpent? The Dark?  The falling? The fire?  

What forces to we see aligned to what purposes?


  1. What I hope for is the opposite of what I fear. I fear a battle of ideals so that one may reign true for now. What I hope for, is for a conflict of ideals where all sides enter with open minds and evolve those ideals to benefit all sides mutually and without bias and without shutting down and reading Dr. Suess as an insult to pass the time. 

    Throughout history, Great Civilizations have fallen because of a simple difference of oppinion. It is much easier to sacrifice oneself then to admit that something one believed in, may be incorrect. If all sides learn humility and put pride aside, it is then each sides strong points can be utilized to evolve instead of destroy. 

    Carrie Campbell said it best, We either need to make them trust us, or we must destroy them.

    Destruction only comes with a de-evolution of something great. How much are we willing to sacrifice over our pride?

  2. I see a glimmer of understanding an opportunity to get things right for once. I fear not the Serpent, nor the fall. But perhaps the Dark, perhaps the fire. While it was a hard lesson, the Serpent still brought knowledge and growth. I fear the blindness brought on by too great a light or wallowing in the Dark. I fear the self-destruction that such blindness and apathy brings.

    I hope the future of the Ingression brings the ability to see the truth we seek and the strength to move and take advantage of it.

  3. I never saw the Serpent as evil inherently, disobedient at best.  It was never clear to me if the Serpent had knowledge of good and evil in the story.

    Jarvis continues his marketing campaign for "The Shapers", which he has called our "Hosts" and paints as our benefactors.  I don't know I buy it, and even if their intentions are benevolent I'm still not sure I'm down.  (More on that later.)  The question in my mind, which I wouldn't want to ask him directly least it give him ideas, is about Die Glock.  Since Oliver used it to smash two of the shards (supposedly), and Jarvis now possesses Oliver... Does he also now possess Die Glock?

    Devra has done her best to convince the CDC that whatever untested "immunization" plan she had was the best response for a very imminent threat. (She had them convinced the CDC facility was a L8 portal and they'd all been infected with CM.)  She may no longer be with the CDC, as per that threatening exchange between her and the CEO of Visur, but she may have entrusted the CDC with her plan and the means to carry it out.  I don't trust Devra's plan any farther then I could throw her... And while I HAVE been working out, I don't think I could throw her any real distance at all... though I could probably push her and/or knock her down if I had to.  I have very little confidence in Devra's ability to make good decisions in life and death situations.

    Owens:  No idea what he thinks he's accomplishing.  Basically no better than Phillips.  They will likely kill each other.

    Calvin and IQTech:  He's overly concerned with whether or not he "looks" like a good guy.  I mean, that's not a bad thing, but let's hear more about how he's going to BE one of the good guys instead of how he's just going to APPEAR to be one of the good guys.  I feel like he's ultimately a patriot and generally wants good things for mankind...  If the books are to be believed.

    Visur and Hulong:  Power grubbing thugs.

    Hank Johnson:  I have said many times that Hank seems to be the only sane one.  I think he's actually concerned with what's important.  (That is, what to do if all this goes terribly wrong regardless of the intentions of those involved... Which they already have because... Self-Destruct sequence.)  Hank seems like he's on his own path while everybody else is freaking out and running around waving their arms.  He is The Hero that will Save Us All, or he's the Evil Genius that will bring about the end times.  I hope it's the former, because if he were to step up and try to lead...  I may very well follow.

    ADA:  She does as she pleases with the bodies of unconscious people.  She needs to be de-rezzed classic TRON style.

  4. I realized I said, "More on that below" in the bit about the Shapers...  And then I didn't include it in my post above...

    I blame the hard cider.

    The Agents:  We, the Agents.  It has been posited that WE are Shapers.  I believe it.  We shape eachother's views of the world around us and eachother's behavior patterns.  I do not depute that there is a group of entities that identify themselves as "The Shapers", or that are identified by Jarvis and by us by that name... but I do not think the ability to shape is theirs alone.  We can shape even if we don't actively try to focus and refine our ability to do so through XM...  I am not interested in relinquishing the ability and the potential to a "benefactor" that wishes me to think they bestow this ability upon me rather than inviting us to engage in a Teacher/Student relationship.

  5. The story of the Garden of Eden is one of two children growing up. Adam and Eve were not meant to stay in the garden - the Fall was necessary for us to take on the final piece of the imago Dei we were designed to have.

    We cannot look back. We were meant for this, we were meant to have this power. The Serpent is still an actor on God's stage. He says his line, and departs. 

  6. Amused.. The serpent has often been a symbol of knowledge and wisdom in other cultures.. Only in Christianity is it depicted as something in opposition to the divine. The serpent imparts knowledge for mankind and often this is his sin. More often the serpent is providing information that empowers humanity against "higher" beings which in itself implies those "higher" beings don't truly have our best interests in mind but their own. So often humanity itself has to 'fall" from grace to find the qualities within ourselves that force us to rise to greatness. Perhaps there will be enough of humanity that has fallen and struggles to rise once again with the knowledge that humanity has the ability within ourselves to take control and decide for ourselves the path we wish to take.. the path we as a society decide is in the best interest of all without walking blindly into the arms of either greedy corporate entities digital entities who require us to take their next step or hidden alien entities who promises are tantalizing but just as empty as all the others.. 2014 will be the year of humanity.. where there are no enlightened.. no resistance.. only a unified society fully empowered to take our role in the cosmos.


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