I had not made the connection between Susanna Moyer and Nigel Moyer.

I had not made the connection between Susanna Moyer and Nigel Moyer.  It is most interesting to discover the truth. If the transcript released today is true, the implications are profound.  I was he beneficiary of some of Nigel Moyer's crypto work, but I did not know its source...  I had heard that he was dead.  Now I understand that he is healthy.  I saw him as a young man. He has to be 90 by now.  Is it possible that the acquisition of XM lengthens life?  Interesting how a portal looks like a fountain.


  1. Weird, since you yourself more or less put us on the trail.

  2. In one of the interrogation sequences on the ingress report a while back the relationship was revealed. They asked the names of her parents.

  3. Under what circumstances had you heard he died Edgar Allan Wright?

  4. We have found the fountain of youth! ...Possibly.

  5. I had wondered about it being a fountain of youth potential as well... the concept of immortality runs to the concept of fountain of youth - we have many ancient cultures that had rituals for longevity. HPL and REH both wrote stories of ancient elder ones able to live for long time.   

    Also, that could tie in with the reason why cultures that may have been associated with XM and portals ended up "disappearing" - when a population shifts in numbers beyond the resources, that is overshooting the carrying capacity of a system and dieback will be a system result.

    and isn't Arecibo near areas associated with the Fountain of Youth legends?

  6. Edgar Allan Wright Do you remember when you saw him and the circumstances?

  7. Edgar Allan Wright He may be old in years, but I would like to make a speculation. If based on the Hayflick Theory, DNA, our genetic code, is constantly dividing. The human body needs this to happen because our cells are constantly killed off, so we must reproduce cells. But like with any copy (Know where im going with that? Thats right two places) it is not as perfect as the original. The chains on the Amino acids start to break down. 

    When a cell is "defective" because of improper DNA structure, it inhibits itself from reproducing slowing down the reproduction process. Thus we age.

    Like Tycho, which i have been told in the past used to look a lot older then he did at comic con, I believe that Nigel may have been on to something. What if he found a way to use XM to repair this DNA.

    Think about it. Jarvis, his body kept repairing itself. So now we have a dead body but the DNA is not breaking down. I believe Nigel and Susanna have both been introduced to this. This would be the gift he spoke of.

    On the contrary, why do people die when there is nothing really wrong with them?  The answer is a branch of what was described above. As we age our DNA stops producing the fail safe. A mutated cell is no longer halted from reproducing. This genetic mutation in fact reproduces quicker and outlives all other cells. That is why we get riddled with cancer and tumors as we age. Our body's no longer regulate the functional and dysfunctional. This sounds a lot what Chaotic Matter does to people who abuse it. It could also be what makes people take a swan dive off the loony bin.

  8. Hasn't that been said about Hank Johnson ?  Like given the time he studied anthropology, got his PhD, and did all the other stuff he would have to have some years on him.  Can't remember the details of that convo though...

  9. A fountain of youth Dr. +Edgar Allan Wright ? ⛲

  10. I'm curious, If you saw him as a young man and must be 90 by now, how old are you?

  11. Just because she handed OLW off to 855 does't mean she's 855's handler. More like she's OLW's handler.


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