These are the questions I am pondering this week: Please post them for newer players.

These are the questions I am pondering this week:  Please post them for newer players. Some look forward, some look backwards, some look to hidden places.

EASY: Who is going to Buenos Aires?
EASY: Who is working on a documentary called Nomad?
EASY: Who is hinting at an alliance with Devra?

MEDIUM: Who is Claudia Glass searching for?
MEDIUM: What did Jarvis caution against in his Redemption Speech?
MEDIUM: Where do you next expect to see Hank Johnson?

HARD: Who did Susanna Moyer select to give passage to the ex-Niantic Researcher?
HARD: If you were to hear of something were stolen or missing this week, what would it be?
HARD: What will Hank Johnson be looking for in Phoenix?

VERY HARD: Why is Susanna Moyer helping Dr. Lynton-Wolfe
VERY HARD:  Can Susanna be trusted? If so, then by whom?
VERY HARD:  If you were to hear of something were stolen or missing this week, what would it be?


  1. You have one question repeated there. The
    If you were to hear of something were stolen or missing this week, what would it be?
    is both in the hard and very hard categories

  2. I'd steal the last Very Hard question and substitute one of the Hard questions so no one notices.


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