Essexians: I have heard rumors that Tycho has struck again and placed his new comic on the Play Store.

Essexians:  I have heard rumors that Tycho has struck again and placed his new comic on the Play Store.  Rumors have it that there is one entirely new section and that even the old sections have been re-mastered.  It would be good to analyze and discuss this...  I believe I met Tycho once long ago.  He was not the Tycho who appeared on the video and yet I believe he was Tycho.  He was like that purple character Lee Faulk did. His name has slipped into my memory void.


  1. Is it possible, Dr. Wright, that Tycho may be an entity capable of re-embodying himself multiple times?

  2. I can't seem to find any of them.. Link?

  3. So Tycho gets flashes and turns them into comics?  

    And your comment about not the Tycho on the video.....

  4. Looking into the mention of the Falk character - The Phantom - I found this to be interesting - (from wikipedia) "The Phantom is the 21st in a line of crimefighters that originated in 1536, when the father of British sailor Christopher Walker was killed during a pirate attack. Swearing an oath on the skull of his father's murderer to fight evil, Christopher started the legacy of the Phantom that would be passed from father to son, "

    Lukas Lentz and others have thought that perhaps Tycho was more a role and different people passed the mantle on - like The Phantom, is this what you mean?

    Or is this what happens when a person is patterned and then reformed - is that why the comic coming out may be different? - is this from a new copy of Tycho, one who has had changes?  Are we seeing the affect of patterning changing?  Maybe Visur Technology concept of immortality is not that great?  

    Along with that - maybe that is why history seems to "change"

  5. Fascinating theory.  Whether Tycho is  what used to be called a House Name in pulp publishing and is just a cabal of comic artists or whether he is some kind of outgrowth of 13MAGNUS is an interesting question.  Worth discussion.

  6. Well a number of creative properties have had "ghost" creators - look at Nancy Drew, Goosebumps and others...   could it be that certain XM steams can be channeled and that ability passed?  Kinda like tuning into this place gives you certain flashes, so go hang out here a lot and draw what you see??

  7. Also, is that why a new release of the comic may have different scenes and information? - hmm going to go talk to Misty

  8. If those with inside sources (like Verity Seke ) could track down records from Tycho's abduction in San Diego it might shed some light on one of the longest-running mysteries of the XM research community:  Who is Tycho?


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