It seems from my post this morning, that perhaps the Egyptian Book of the dead and/or canoptic jars and the like,...

It seems from my post this morning, that perhaps the Egyptian Book of the dead and/or canoptic jars and the like, might have been an ancient form of recursion technology.  Any other thoughts?  Could an ancient have successfully recursed and regained their memories?  Is there a method other than mass Ada data storage or the Lynton-Wolfe invovement might be.


  1. Do you think that OLW possibly helped Hank find a way to store his memories?

  2. I believe we've speculated before that the process used by Egyptions, and later by Romans, may have been attempts to duplicate or preserve the original 13 Magnus formula used by Osiris.  That process evolved significantly over time, especially in terms of who was eligible for the process.  This likely represents loss of knowledge over intervening generations.

  3. If that is the case, are the canoptic jars found with Hank's body sufficient to save his memory or is it just his life?

  4. For some reason the mention of canoptic jars reminds me of the primitive stone resonators that have been discussed before in regards to ancient XM rituals.

    Canoptic jars typically stored the deceased's organs, along with other matter of ritual and preservative significance. What if we're looking at some kind of organic-based resonator? Or perhaps some analog to the power cube?

  5. Of course, we know that dark XM follows OLW wherever he goes as well...

  6. Note that canopic jars are associated with cardinal directions, exactly like resonators.

  7. Here are some broader thoughts on the Egyptian concept of the nature of the human entity and simulacra.


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