I find it curious that we have not heard from Hank Johnson since the end of Helios.

I find it curious that we have not heard from Hank Johnson since the end of Helios.  My best instincts tell me that he is no longer with Calvin at what appeared to me to be a forward command base.  I advise all to keep an eye out for him.  And also, for Devra...  My investigation continues.


  1. Glad to hear from you. .we were getting worried about you.

  2. When did your instincts tell you that, Dr. Wright?

  3. Welcome Back! I hope your going dark has brought much information for us to dissect.  I have my theories about that command base in reference to our friends who love to encode things so well in consoles and nodes. I'm worried about Devra's safety.  Many oppose her tactics, but I fear someone may go to far.  No one deserves that even for what she did.

  4. Good to hear from you Edgar Allan Wright

  5. Hank must have some seriously pressing issues at hand. The activation of the artifacts may have him, and others unbeknownst to us, on the move.

  6. H. Richard Loeb, I told you that your worrying over his absence was premature, and he'd show up when he was good & ready.

  7. If Hank Johnson has split from Calvin, is it because of something he saw since recursing or something he remembered. There are several significant questions about the Aviator's current status and we're in the dark on most of them.

  8. Nice to hear from you Edgar Allan Wright, we were worried about you. Please be safe and update us on your investigation..

  9. Welcome back, glass to hear from you. What Devra could do next had us very worried


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