I have noticed your speculation that Ezekial Calvin is Anti-Magnus.

I have noticed your speculation that Ezekial Calvin is Anti-Magnus. If this were true, how then do we reconstruct his early actions:  Hiring Hank Johnson to study 13MAGNUS and beginning the Niantic Project.  If this is true, and I am not certain, it carries profound implications involving his relationship with Ada, because certainly she sides with the N'Zeer. Or am I thinking too hard on this subject?


  1. Do we have a good idea of exactly what the mission and goal of 13magnus is? Why would ADA side with the N'Zeer?

  2. When Hank Johnson first appeared his alignment wasn't determined until the Anomaly outcome at Cahokia Mound. That said, if Hank is truly a free agent unaligned to any faction, then he is free to broker relationships between the conflicting parties and re-establish a stable balance. The N'zeer, Shapers and other out-there entities probably know they can't eliminate the other because they're locked in an interdependent relationship.

    They don't necessarily like each other but will need to find a way to co-exist and satisfy their ego/ambition at the same time.

    The Darsana Point, perhaps is a realization that the RES and ENL need each other - and need to rely on each others resources to further their interests. It may culminate in a situation where opppsing factions end up protecting and maintaining each other's portals instead of being locked into the destructive cycle of attrition.

    Out there now, you've got ENL not destroying, and infact preserving RES Level 8 portal clusters and vice versa. Profound change in the landscape. Maybe this Anomaly should be perpetuated where Agents will need to hack portals of opposing polarity for critical resources.

  3. IF Calvin is Antimagnus he must have known about 13Magnus and needed some way to expose them since he needed to hide the fact that he is Antimagnus. Hank was the perfect instrument for that. By sending Hank on his adventure Calvin could have predicted the outcome that Hank will disseminate his findings and set in motion a set of events leading up to the Niantic Project and thus the N'zeer


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