I posted this on my thread, but I'll post it there.

I posted this on my thread, but I'll post it there. We must spread knowledge. The hunt for Hank Johnson's breadcrumbs is global.  This is a good test for Pledge Essexians:
1) Which of the following were inspired by the Diodati Epiphany:
Mummy (Ozymandias)
All of the Above

2) It is most probable that Hank Johnson is using what Writer’s Map to navigate from the Peshwar Anomaly in Afghanistan.
Robert E. Howard.
H.P. Lovecraft
Edgar Allen Poe
Rudyard Kipling
Samuel Taylor Coleridge

3) Who tuned the A.I. inside Ada?
Henry Bowles
Richard Loeb
Hubert Farlowe

4) Antoine Smith works for which organization.
Strategic Explorations

5)  Which group is associated with The Dragon?
The Shapers
The N’Zeer


  1. Yik Sheng Lee oops i thought it was for membership renewal LOL

  2. Is there really a test to become an essexian? Do I get a decoder ring or something? I can totally pass this test.

  3. My question is how do you reply. I know most of these answers

  4. I reshared the post to my community. When they reply to that post you can assess if that person knows enough to be admitted to Essex. Then make the recommendation to an Essex mod.

  5. Is there a difference between being "admitted to Essex" and being a member of this community? If so, to whom do I send answers?

  6. Derek Longbow more I was wondering how do I reply if I want to be considered for the project


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