It seems that the one I passed my message to one who does not understand.

It seems that the one I passed my message to one who does not understand.  MThe voices of dead poets speak as prophetsa.  Messages from a past time to a future timeg. To a timeless timei.  Poetry and Art are coded messages sent by the cunwitting to the unknowing. From known time and place to unknown time and place.
Let confusion not be our epitaph as we walk this cracked and broken path...  The ground is muttering, the wind is speaking, the stars are flashing messages.  All is coming alive.


  1. Is there anyone in Essex who lives in LA and can check for a mission starting at the Magic Castle?

  2. Alchemists, magicians, poets, creators. Perhaps the N'zeer are the Shapers in human flesh.

  3. Oh. Sorry. It is magic. Not enough coffee yet.

  4. Hopefully we'll get an agent presence there soon. B-dub 7ER4IAY8​ didn't you attend the Magic Castle event? Do you live in the area?

  5. Are they beginning to speak, or are we beginning to hear them?

    [The message has been there all along. The pattern of the stars has always had meaning. The ancients knew, but could not understand. The Renaissance thinkers understood, but refused to know. The time has come where we may do both, if we so choose. This is the Darsana point; or one side of it at least. The other side is, of course, the N'zeer.]

  6. Now, the question is "who's message is it?"

  7. Mildred Cady it's our message. If your next question is, "for us or from us?" the answer is, "yes."

  8. Ian Friedrich Sorry, I meant more "who's the message from?"

  9. Magic castle there's something there

  10. What of Joyce's ideas of history and Giambattista Vico's epicycles? If we are indeed heading toward a point of convergence this sort of thing makes more sense.

  11. Riverrun, going down multiple virtual floors in the Magic Castle elevator and Vicco's boundaries all define the edges of the augmented layers.


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