Having received a number of messages about my past and seeming unwillingness to discuss it.

Having received a number of messages about my past and seeming unwillingness to discuss it.

I must be honest with you.  My intention is not to conceal information, but to avoid giving out wrong information. The fact is that I am not quite sure what my past is.  It is my believe that I was under attack.

I know not whether it was Shaper or N'zeer or something else.  I only know that synapses were scrambled.  I confuse real events with events I imagined. It is as if I have several conflicting 'saves' in my brain of events, but they are accessed randomly.

I don't know whether the memories are real or things I had imagined.  No exactly delusions, but think of it this way.  You are preparing for an important event. You imagine different things that might happen. Those imaginings are embedded just like real memories.  

Your brain, when not hacked, remembers real from not real, though many believe that our brains tend to insert 'narrative' over random events. This is probably a means of filing and maintaining what we call sanity.  Imagine your brain starts misfiling things.  

Another example.  You hear a rumor about somebody, or even a speculation on what they have done.  Your mind naturally simulates it.  If you think about it enough, that simulation becomes very much like a memory. Imagine if you lost the barrier between what you had imagined and what really happened.  

My real quest has been to regain my own truth. So in a very real sense, like H. Richard Loeb, I am a truthseeker, but I am seeking my own truth.  However, in order to gain that truth, I have to create an objective, or at least shared reality and attempt to extract the truth from that.  Hence, I tell you little about myself and my past because I am not sure exactly, who I am and what I have done.

I hope that serves as some explanation.


  1. Thank you... it is a dilemma we face, flashbulb memories, if they truly exist are few and far between. It is curious how memory plays out in the digital age. Look how many now want right to be forgotten laws amd ways to erase truth and memories. Is that right?

  2. How does this relate to your objectives/goals in creating Operation Essex ? Are we a means to your end?

  3. Edgar Allan Wright​ thank you for setting the record straight. I understand the difficulties you face in sorting through the unimaginable volume of information in your mind not knowing what to trust as reality.

    But this is where we can help you Dr Edgar Allan Wright​. We in Operation Essex​ are the perfect answer to your problem. We as a collective can sort through your memories and build a picture approximating realty. Maybe you had this somewhere in your mind when you called us together. We are eager to help.

  4. Essex serves as an effective vehicle for discovering truth, no matter what it ends up meaning to each of us personally.

  5. Given the apparent ability of XM to transcend quantum time and allow glimpses of alternate nows it's entirely possible that past experiments may have allowed direct observation of counter-factual events from other timelines.  Hank Johnson has described similar flashes of insight.

  6. Edgar Allan Wright​​ ​, I learned long ago that you could not willingly recall events or ideas in a linear fashion and for whatever reason that may be, I call on you to hold integrity in the present.

    You succesfully provoked H. Richard Loeb​​ into a dialogue with heavy consequences using the weight of the investigative community which was taken offline and has yet to be shared. See https://plus.google.com/110289508116377658380/posts/5T8zRqA9Xz8

    What did Loeb discuss with you? How can you accuse him of obfuscation while acting in the shadows yourself?

  7. Edgar Allan Wright​ I hope this adds some explanation on your part: https://plus.google.com/+MustafaSaid/posts/d1tDJwPWaCs

  8. Take two keccak-512 and call me in the morning. You were right to question H. Richard Loeb late night machine code programming to retrieve the subroutine.

  9. Edgar Allan Wright​,this does help put things in more perspective, and one that I know I have faced many times. Humans are said to be "pattern recognizing" creatures, but it may be more accurate to say we are "pattern seeking" creatures. When we cannot see a pattern in some aspect of the world, we fill the gaps - the "narrative" as you mentioned. As we learn more, we try to recon these new findings into the past details and narrative to produce a more functional whole. Once you recognize that XM exists in the world, though, the sky seems to become the limit - especially for those of us who show signs of sensitivity. Are our experiences real, or do our narratives utilize XM as a sort of deus ex machina?

  10. Does this mean you are uncertain which timeline you occupy?

  11. In order to find truth within yourself. You must be one within yourself and have a clear mind. Once you reached this it would be easier to find what you're looking for the truth that you are seeking.


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