I have been invited to be interviewed on an Ingress show.

I have been invited to be interviewed on an Ingress show. I am contemplating whether appearing is would be an intelligent gambit. At one level, I know that many believe that Ingress is a game and the Niantic Project is a fantasy, but perhaps more would see the truth.  Also, I am concerned about my identity getting out.  Already, I am hunted by those few who recognize me.  I would have to find a way to disguise my identity.  

Seeking guidance from Essexians.


  1. If you decide to disguise your identity, you may want to consider more than just a hat, sunglasses, and fake moustache. Those have been employed to humorous effect in the past, but admittedly not very effective.

  2. Perhaps use a surrogate. Someone to speak on your behalf while you remain off camera.

  3. Kelly Kolton may be able to help ensure that the BTS production team respects your confidentiality, but a disguised voice or body double wearing a wire would be a good idea.

  4. I'm curious now, was seeking Dr. Wright the message Hank was to give to Suzanna from her father, or maybe this was what PA told her after the Ingress Report.

  5. Edgar Allan Wright​ can you use a voice changer and your avatar image.

  6. Hopefully Verity Seke​ is amicable towards you, and does not leak any information

  7. Edgar Allan Wright​ you should spread the true truth seekers

  8. We appreciate the risk you are taking by making such a public appearance Dr Edgar Allan Wright.  

     And I agree with Yik Sheng Lee  that magic castle may be the best location for you.

  9. Knowledge should be shared. Humanity needs to be enlightened in more ways than one.

  10. Edgar Allan Wright​​ perhaps a could try to hide in plain sight some how possibly with some form of "Steganography" on @Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steganography?wprov=sfia1

  11. I'm just stuck on trying to pronounce "Essexians."

  12. The truth needs to be told. Isn't what you created Essex for ?
    You may hide your face as long as your voice is heard

  13. Yes, like the others have said, take precautions to protect your identity, but definitely do it!  The truth is hard to bare for some, but it indeed needs to be told!

  14. Edgar Allan Wright​ I do hope whichever method you choose to conceal your identity is successful. If successful perhaps you could share your method/research on the matter with NIA Ops​, Ingress​ so they might gain insight, possibly reverse engineer it to aid in discovering what I fear is growing in popularity, (dual/multiple accounts) by Agents around the globe. #releasethenewbanhammer ✌

  15. Edgar Allan Wright​, your identity is not important to those that wish to honestly hear your point of view. There's no shame in disguise, as long as your info is ironclad and respectable. Set the stage as you see fit, then do the interview.

  16. Buddha said, “There are only two mistakes one can make along the road to truth; not going all the way, and not starting.” Dr. Edgar Allan Wright  you have started by creating Operation Essex. Let us help you with the rest as you have unique knowledge that should – needs – to be shared. 

    If you accept our offer, we at Behind The Scanner will do everything in our power to ensure your identity and physical location are secure. In our initial contact we recommended protocols and applications to further assist you in doing this. These are standards and applications that I use routinely. Use the lessons learned from Nigel Moyer on covert communication but remember if your hypothesis is correct, people leave pieces of themselves in important places to them. Every opportunity to mitigate your risk on our end will be considered. You must be equally as vigilant.

  17. Does it involve physical, on-site presence, or could it be over the internet?

    If over the internet, I'd say go for it. There's more than a few ways to keep things secure, especially if you can avoid doing it entirely over the public internet. If possible, use analog segments along the line, and to be really secure, use 'refurb' equipment that already has been used and dispose of it after.

    If in person, well, that's tricky. It depends on how much trust you have in them. Even if they don't know your identity yet, going there would mean that other parties could at least know where you are, and then work by deduction to figure out which of those present at said location is you.

    On the other side tho, there's the idea of hiding in the spotlight. If you go all the way and remain in the spotlight, it might make it harder for actions to be taken against you.

    Having someone trusted stand in for you could be a good idea, if they can handle the risk. But that might weaken the message.

    Cheap disguises would be just as good as none, with the amount of ressources everyone seems to have these days.

    It's hard to evaluate the potential gains versus losses of appearing in public. On one side, by being more or less anonymous aside from the identity known here, you keep yourself less vulnerable, and more trusted since you are only "this" source. If you start having a disguised media presence, you run the risk of having others borrow your disguise, and hinder your efforts to discover and spread the truth. If you appear as yourself and your physical identity is known, you leave youself vulnerable to personal attacks of all kinds, and allow the individual more than the message to be attacked.

    It's probably a good time to make sure you don't have too many secrets left that could ruin you.

    And yep, that's again a "You'll have to find your own answer." kind of situation, since you're the only one with all the details.

  18. You could do a remote interview and use digital processing to obscure your identity.

  19. Perhaps a voice only interview.  hard sought truths need to be spoken


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