While I am not yet prepared to divulge the exact nature of the most recent 'Roundtable' I presented at, I can safely...

While I am not yet prepared to divulge the exact nature of the most recent 'Roundtable' I presented at, I can safely tell you that there was a great deal of interest in the Influence of Exotic Matter on heightened human abilities and creativity.  Also, they were very interested in the concept of Sensitives.  I defined Sensitives, for the purposes of my paper, as people who's abilities are greatly enhanced by exposure to XM.  I noted that some had a positive reaction to it and some had a negative reaction, hence the existence of the Enlightened and the Resistance.

I have received a number of requests for information as to how a novice to the field can begin to study the Ingresstigation and the events leading to and after The Niantic Project.  I turn to you, Essex for suggestions as to how novices can gain a grip on the Ingresstigation?

I am compiling my findings now and seeking authorization from the sponsors to release them.  I will keep you posted on my progress.  They are quite interested in your responses. Frankly, it was like seeing my colleagues eyes opened after a long sleep.


  1. Edgar Allan Wright​ your timing is impeccable. I was just working with Yik Sheng Lee​ last night on something to explain the details to a novice. I hope to have it completed within a week.

  2. Having been excommunicated from the original XM research community you're founding a new one. Fresh blood seems like a fine idea.

    I'd first recommend the XM inspired literature by Felicia Hajra-Lee​ and Tycho C.​ They cover the recent history well. After that I'd point a new researcher towards the original investigation board H. Richard Loeb​ created to introduce people to the Niantic Conspiracy and the collected leaks from the first two years in eBook form. With that foundation of primary sources in hand there's enough context for the Ingress​ YouTube channel (although the collection if introductory videos there might be a good alternative first step).

    If they choose to dig deeper communities like the Journal of XM Science and Operation Essex welcome new investigators.

  3. An inclusion of the schlarp site. It has helped me fill in blanks I can't always remember

  4. Wait. Resistance folks have an averse reaction towards xm? But there's a number of RES sensitives like devra.

  5. Edgar Allan Wright​ For those who don't like to read, the Ingress​ YouTube channel is useful. The Ingress Report is informative, but not without its flaws (which is likely how one could describe any XM related resource).

  6. I strongly believe that Latin-American population is more than open to #Ingresstigation and you might find surprising that lots of agents could be sensitives, after all our ancestors thought us to be receptive to nature and cosmic forces. Sadly most of the content is only in English and I hardly find investigation resources on different languages. What about a multicultural forum where nobs can be trained and thought same way we train them on ground game. Maybe some #ingressmissions made by essex and Niantic they can only solve getting access to those support forums. 😉

  7. Derek Longbow I thought the same thing. Maybe the wording "positive/negative" is what is wrong with the statement. Maybe it's better to think of it like north/south poles of a magnet. Or maybe there are more scales to look at other than sensitivity. Predisposition toward thinking or feeling for example.

  8. Edgar Allan Wright​ Good Dr, I've created a resource a while ago that contains all the sources of information we at the investigation use. It should hopefully prove to be useful to your colleagues. It is entitled The Investigator's Arsenal and can be found here: https://plus.google.com/+MustafaSaid/posts/LabHVquGT1r

  9. Its something we have all been thinking about Edgar Allan Wright​. How to organize the vast amounts of information that came to light after the niantic project into a form that won't intimidate newcomers.
    My attempts at creating a consise summary of events following the niantic project was doomed to fail as its length kept growing and growing.
    I am quite excited to see what our collective efforts will bring..

  10. It's a vast amount of info to conquer, I wonder if a "info graphic"/timeline containing the most important details might inspire new Ingresstigators to search for the truth of XM, Niantic Project​​. Most of the Agents I know aren't interested in the Truth/Storyline, I doubt they would spend much time sifting to discover more. Perhaps something short and sweet with the kids pertinent info might peak their interest.

  11. Perhaps a completely different approach might be, useful. The amount of backstory and uncovered data is very daunting, perhaps even frustrating to the point of causing many to quit.

    There is a time honored tradition of mentor and apprentice.  Perhaps a way to bring new investigators in is not making them review documents, materials and other information that ends up being the equivalent of sitting in a classroom hearing/seeing/reading/watching a lecture.

    Rather bring new people in the way older truthseekers were, "in the field" and hands on.  To have a specific, focused mystery to chase and to actually work on piecing that together, with those truthseekers that have been around mentoring and guiding.  We learn by doing, so perhaps to catch the excitement of finding a new thread to follow and as they follow that thread, picking up the back ground as needed. It would make things more relevant, connected and allow for the excitement of the chase, something those older truthseekers experienced first hand.

  12. JoJo Stratton I personally enjoy this idea a lot.....if there's any way I could help in this endeavor, let me know.

  13. maybe... but with a in the field approach, so to speak

  14. Hazel Vizion since people are joining the game every day, I think it's important to pursue this idea as well as trying to discern what exactly happened to ADA. imho...

  15. Please!!! Yik Sheng Lee had a wonderful idea, I've always dreamed about a timeline with events to translate to players from Brazil, please please do it!

  16. The huge amount of people that don't have any interest in the history is international. But we are trying to change it in Brasil, with group chats and posts in our websites. It would be far easier if the storyline were simplified at one source. Too many books and posts to read, I almost gave up many times...


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