

As has become evident to the more perspicacious, Verity and I are slowly releasing the Wright medal based on a complex set of criteria. And, as I am sure you are also aware, certain events have caused us both to spend considerable time avoiding those who would do us harm.

The EAW medal will be awarded to those, both within Essex and without, who have gone above and beyond in helping the Niantic Investigation reach its maximum potential:

By digging tirelessly for the truth...

By working to mentor and educate others seeking to join the Investigation...

By being a bastion of creativity and commitment....

And by working to maintain the positive momentum and sentiment within the Investigative community. 

There are many such investigators, and we intend to ensure that, in time, each of them is duly recognized. 

The process by which we will determine how this medal is bestowed is complex and does not necessarily imply order of merit. If you do not receive one right away and believe yourself deserving, do not be deterred in your investigation. Your time will come.

Do not tell us who to reward this medal to, or argue about this topic. It is counterproductive and goes against the spirit of the medal and the investigation.

To those who receive this medal, whether you choose to share this information or deem it in your best interests to keep it private, the decision is yours. It is not a coincidence, that the second phrase of the so-called ‘Chinese’ curse is: “May you come to the attention of those in authority.”


  1. Thank you, Dr. Edgar Allan Wright​. As always, I hope you are ok.

  2. You do have us pretty curious though, doc, about how you managed to negotiate the ties between yourself, X, and the distributed scanner network necessary to inject this tag into agent profiles.  You continue to be full of surprises.

  3. I'm intrigued. Hopefully seniority will also be considered, including those of us who were involved in the original Niantic investigation before the closed beta began.

  4. Thanks for the clear information :) good luck with the choices!

  5. Dr Edgar Allan Wright​ thanks for the information... And keep the good work

  6. Should reward the tireless swag creators out there, since they've kept me and many others involved and motivatedly playing long past when many would have abandoned the investigation altogether. Robert Vaughan​​​ Anne Miles​​​ Daniel Lawrence​​​ Rebecca C​​​ Dean Nielson​​​ Jason Ball​​​ Iris Garcia​​ Narumi Fox​ and Cade Roux​

  7. Cool the awards should be given to deservent members

  8. "... complex set of criteria." Like nominations?

    Anyhow, thank you for bringing clarity to a blurred mass of indistinguishable byproducts of a system gone mad with such intricate workings. #ThePersipient

  9. Thanks for the clarification Dr.Wright. it's appreciated.

  10. Edgar Allan Wright​ Then is it better to stay hidden? Which is probably what A Detection Algorithm​ is doing right now.

  11. Hope you can stay safe with all the attention you are getting because of the badge Edgar Allan Wright​.

  12. We respect it Edgar Allan Wright​

  13. Haven't been in contact with Verity Seke​ in a while now. Busy protecting the world and saving those who got sharded in the portal network. Even now while these events are still unfolding this takes a lot of effort. I'm just glad there is now a reward for the dedicated agents who focus on unraveling events and even future events while us field agents are out there, constantly helping us out.

  14. Being recognized as one who has aided Dr. Wright has historically been somewhat dangerous. Tread carefully.

  15. I suggestion caution in divulging the fact that you have received this metal.  I am living proof that such knowledge can draw all manner of demons of both the physical and metaphysical variety.

  16. Edgar Allan Wright In response to that, I'm curious good doctor on your thoughts on this.

    We've seen that Hulong Transglobal created the Translator medal and that IQTech Research created the RTT tech for the scanner and that the NIA launched the Recruiter medal. 

    If hypothetically, they were able to create these things, couldn't they find out for themselves who has this medal? And therefore craft a list of potential targets?

  17. Mustafa Said​ fortunately no legitimate agents have an unlocked recruiter medal. #foreverlocked

  18. Or is the badge the light that attracts the moth. Nice way to zap a annoyance

  19. what Mustafa Said .. this medal could paint a target on our backs..  will it be safe for those who receive it?

  20. Adam Gilmore​ Depends. Can't confirm or deny any potential problems caused by forces that threaten our work within this Investigation because I'm not sure myself.

    But they do exist.

  21. Mustafa Said Great.. now I'm worried about receiving this latest scanner update too.. 
    "He who is prudent and lies in wait for an enemy who is not, will be victorious." -Sun Tzu

  22. Adam Gilmore Do not feel worried. They see us as a potential threat for a reason.

    Ingress​ is not a game. They want people to not understand the truth behind the portals. Those that are dedicated to the truth will go to whatever lengths necessary to unravel and uncover it.

    This medal is a testament to a individual's perseverance against those that want to obfuscate the truth. It may bring a danger but that danger is caused by an unwillingness to surrender to them, to allow their narrative to perpetuate.

  23. Mustafa Said our conversation is posted in a public community for anyone to read. :)

    I'm personally not worried (my previous comment was meant generally), but other investigators here may not even know a possible danger exists to them in their pursuits.

  24. Edgar Allan Wright demons and me, we go way back

  25. Edgar Allan Wright But Demons are good. The force us to think out of box and be creative. Angels compel us to follow a strict guideline. I'd place my bet most of us here would rather flip a coin with a Demon vs being shackled to one path. As the path of truth is never straight nor easy.

  26. John Maliniak They aren't good, but the lies they tell are predictable.

  27. Typhoon Jim just a differing degree perception

  28. Truth is a balance of infinite possibilities; and without unbiased data we can't even come close to it.

    Part of the problem lies in the polarization that Niantic and the scanner force on us. A portal had two states: aligned and unaligned. Alignment only has two options: Resistance and Enlightenment. Or is it Shaper and N'zeer? We don't even have enough information to actually know… or to know what it means.

    I'll be in Boston, and I want us, all agents searching for the truth, to recover Yuri Alaric Nagassa. I actually don't care which side recovers him… I want him to come back. But from the information that's been released, there's no way to bring him back without an alignment… a bias.

    The same goes for all of the missing sensitives… we can't bring them back unless we impose an alignment on them...

    And we've seen how an alignment can also place blinders on people (not just sensitives).

  29. Mildred Cady I have a nagging doubt that we cannot trust anyone who has been the focus of an anomaly, but they are the only sources we have.

  30. Typhoon Jim Unfortunately, you may be right.

  31. Thanks Edgar Allan Wright​ ,good work ! Long live the doctor !


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