Here's is todays question.

Here's is todays question. We have all been seeing the word Abaddon around.  I am puzzled as to whether this is a reference to a place (synonym for Hades) or a person (Satan or Appylon)(sp).  Or is it something else?


  1. The phrase "Corpses of Abaddon" from the recently revealed REH letter suggests "place" to me, though plenty of valid arguments have been made for "person" as well.

  2. I thing is both of them... The letter means appylon and the flames around the hell or the kingdom of hades

  3. One of the major references to Abaddon is biblical where it can be defined as the Angel of the Abyss. In the context, the abyss is not the same thing that people refer to as hell, so the reference to that angel being Satan is questionable. Especially since an angel with the key to the abyss seals Satan away there.

  4. Also Abaddon is a Hebrew word, with Apollyon being the Greek language equivalent.

  5. I personally think it's the N'zeer. With all we've seen, it's all been pointing us to the N'zeer comming. Or maybe it's the Earth.

  6. Based on the biblical definition and the "A on fire" I would fully estimate that this is some sort of destruction, neither a place or particular person: but rather a more broad overview.

  7. Doesn't it reference also to the "realm of lost souls"? which would be definitely fitting considering the people we have "lost" to the portal network.

  8. Abaddon is a place by all means. And I presume it is where the the XM researchers were assimilated into. Now that events are unfolding, they will hopefully break free of Abaddon.

  9. I'm also of the thought that this is pointing to doom and destruction.. it's time to be alert.

  10. Abaddon is references as part of Gehenna, 

    which implies that initially its a physical location where children were sacrificed in fire as offerings.

  11. But we also have to thing why this anomaly brings so.many references to hell... What they affect the future of ingress... Dark xm will rule? A new entity will arrise?

  12. Dark XM. A new entity. Not necessarily exclusive of each other... Nuno Costa

  13. With the release of "Abaddon"  it makes us question alot of things. the dictionary refers to it as a noun for the devil or a place of pure destruction. Is it foreboding of events to come? Is the place of destruction what will happen to the world we live in now during this anomaly series? Does this mean the destruction of shapers with the arrival of the N'Zeer? Are we going to have front row seats to intergalactic world war 3??

  14. "In Hebrew he is called Abaddon, and in Greek he is called Apollyon. And they had a king over them, who is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, and in Greek, Apollyon meaning destroyer." Is this N'Zeer? Adam Hoang​

  15. A good clarifying point to biblical references is that in the Hebrew text (old testament), Abaddon is used in reference to the grave/death. So destruction/destroyer is related to what we commonly understand as dying. It's the book of Revelation that uses the word Abaddon as the name of an angel.

  16. For me Abaddon sounds like a place. A dangerous place, where I don't want to be!

  17. Still having some personnel lost within the xm portal network and their fate unknown, perhaps Abaddon is foreshowing the final solution to the experiments of the Niantic Project.

  18. Nuno Costa Ruth Shepherd We've heard of Dark XM but very few of us have seen it first hand. could this be symbolism for the angel of the bottomless pit? Will there be others who will try to harness this power? What will it mean for our world? Chris Maulden is it the N'Zeer? Why did the resistance fight so hard to bring the world doom then (if this is what is implying) or does it symbolize the Shaper influence and what may happen if we do not continue to combat this?

  19. Hank Johnson has seen it first hand...

  20. "It's the Destroyer, in the book of Revelation, is the angel or star bottomless pit that embodies the body of the prince of Tyre. The fact that it is he who has the power to release creatures of the abyss is because an angel opened the bottomless pit (in Revelation 19:. 11 {2}
    In many apocryphal books, Abaddon is considered an entity demonic, as the Angel of Death, where he is a demon of the abyss, widely believed. In the scriptures refer to as the Angel of Apollyon abyss king of all beings in charge of torment mankind "

    maybe it is not an entity but rather a means for the destruction or disposal of civilization known
    Verity Seke Edgar Allan Wright

  21. If the REH's unpublished The Corpses of Abbadon represents the period when HAZDATA held the three scientists at CERN then it may either be the name of Calvin's experimental nest or of the event at which its contents are finally uncovered.

  22. Hmm; the name is derivative of verbal translations of verbal histories. There's little surprise to note that the bringer of destruction and the place at which the destruction occurred are mixed in historical context.

    Looking at the Greek that the Hebrew references provides a few more clues, as does the usage of the angelic, where the angel of destruction plays a part in the destruction related to revelation. 

    My take: Abaddon is a necessary destruction through which greater understanding and ultimately ascension might be gained.

    Niantic labs, itself, has ceased to be what it what once was; a destruction in one sense, and a hope at something greater and more free. It's an end... but not a COMPLETE end.

  23. Could Abaddon be leader or entity about to make an appearance to lead humanity in a chosen direction

  24. We know that ancient religions liked to personify fearsome ideas into demons and monsters but 'Abaddon' could just represent a 'very bad thing that happens' i.e. The Apocalypse. Neither person nor place, but, event.

  25. Both.

    Imagine, for instance, a place where XM entities go to die in a fiery burst of dark XM.

    Imagine, if you will, that thr released dark xm stays concentrated in "Abaddon" and accumulates over time.  What if this XM gains consciousness?   Would it be a happy and chipper entity that wants to create or would it be a doom and gloom nihilistic entity that wants to destroy the world?

     Or maybe, all the dark XM that is generated in "Abaddon" could be used to summon an entity that is the very personification of the realm known as "Abaddon?" Much like Hel is a place and Hel is it's ruler; Abaddon is the name of a place and its ruler.

  26. Adam Hoang We see it first hand every time we fire an XMP burster. We learned in late 2013 that each XMP contained a small amount of Chaotic Matter (aka Dark XM).

  27. What many view as "flames" on the latest anomaly logo I am seeing as spirits, either trying to consume the A or take hold of the A. I consider Abaddon to be referring to both a place and with the anomaly, a chance to interact with a place. Agent action may result in us sealing off the place (preventing ingression) or permanently opening the place (permitting ingression). Somehow both Hank and Klue are tied to whatever action is set to take place as well. I haven't quite determined how the Niantic researchers trapped in the portal network would fit in with my interpretation.

  28. Erik Hartley Great--I hadn't seen it that way before, but now I keep seeing a flaming claw grasping the 'A'.

  29. An event or point in time. It is when something terrible or worse happens. A cataclysm. Doooooom!

  30. Perhaps it is the place where the consciousness of the sensitives abide while they are in their sharded state?  I'm curious what Roland Jarvis would say about it if he were here.  Or presently, what is the Acolyte's interpretation?

  31. Daniel Beaudoin  I have the same opinion, that Corpses of Abaddon refers to the fragmented entities/shards. But I feel, that Abaddon is the destroyed 13MAGNUS cave, because the destruction of the Nest was the cause, why all the researchers and sensitieves became missing.

  32. The Hebrew abaddon (Hebrew: אבדון; avadon) is an intensive form of the Semitic root and verb stem abad (אָבַד) "perish" (transitive "destroy"), which occurs 184 times in the Hebrew Bible.
    Originally in Hebrew אבדון meant: Destruction, Doom, Oblivion or "place of destruction", later on it was referred also as the realm of the dead, and is accompanied by Sheol ( Then it became one of the compartments of Gehenna (Hell).
    In later christian traditions Abbadon came to refer to an individual entity instead of a place - specifically "Destroyer" the Angel of the Abyss.

    So Abbadon means many things, perhaps all of them.

    Personally I think of it as an abstract place. A place were things are structure-less, formless, a place of non-existence and meaninglessness.
    We perceive XM as structured data. Even Chaotic "Dark XM" contains information (just more complex , fractal, non-linear structure). Perhaps Abbadon is a sort of negative space to XM/CM? The antithesis of XM/CM.

  33. I'm under the impression that it is neither a person or place. It's a mental capacity and reaction to xm, and dark xm. The negative effects it has on the body after long-term exposure are detrimental. It renders the human form useless and pulls you into the portal network. So it's neither and both at the same time. We all could be the person, and the portal network (not dead, not alive) could be the place!

  34. in very simple terms from religious concepts more often than not there is a destruction as part of rebirth hence the burning A - alpha and omega - the beginning and the end

  35. I thought it was a reference to the morning after a wild night.

  36. I like to think of Abaddon as the pit all the money spent on this 'game' (which is really just an experiment in assholery) goes. Surely all of the XM corps have dumped a lot of (fictitious) money into things that didn't net any real results... Just like we as agents have.

  37. Some only want to see the world(s) burn

    I don't know what #abaddon is - I feel what it will be.

    I'm so glad to see so many investigative minds ignited by the pilot light of the wright medal - it works \°/

  38. I would say that abbadon will represent the darkest point before the dawn, the phase, the corpses of abbadon could potentially refer to all the niantic researchers, trapped right now on the portal network.

  39. Abaddon is a place, and a person.

    I feel relatively certain that the shuttered Niantic Project nest is the place- it has become the Bottomless Pit that holds the dead.

    But who is the person?

    Maybe Ezekiel Calvin.

  40. First & Foremost I don't fear him. Abaddon is an agent of God, a destroyer with divine purpose.

    Compare to the figure of Kalki.

  41. First & Foremost As far as where he is, he disappeared alongside the Researchers when the Shonin ritual went awry.

  42. The term "abaddon" has been referenced in the Dead Sea Scrolls as a place. It's likely that the term "abaddon" has had its meaning transformed to refer to a supernatural entity over time.

  43. Thomas Arteaga Yeah. The reference to a person feels like a stretch. But I wouldn't count it out.

  44. Edgar Allan Wright So Abbadon seems to have a theme of destruction, from what I've been reading on this thread. 

    In regards to what's been going on, I've theorized both in Essex(
     and publicly on Behind The Scanner that Abbadon does somehow tie into the origins of the +Niantic Project and that the forces who want to keep Abbadon a secret are willing to utilize any means necessary, even the potential silencing of human life, in order to keep it that way.

    So Abbadon=destruction
    Abbadon-tied to Niantic Project. 

    If Abbadon is equal to destruction, why incorporate it into the origins of the Niantic Project?

  45. Well, we did just find out everyone has been dead since the beginning. Seems pretty destructive to me. 😨

  46. David Timothy How did they die? I think the running idea is that they were turned into simulacra on Epiphany Night....

  47. Im thinking its a place, possibly a moment in time? Found this examining wikipedia page on Abbadon ”The text of the Thanksgiving Hymns—which was found in theDead Sea Scrolls—tells of "the Sheol of Abaddon" and of the "torrents of Belial [that] burst into Abaddon". The Biblical Antiquities (misattributed toPhilo) mentions Abaddon as a place (destruction) rather than an individual. Abaddon is also one of the compartments ofGehenna.[4] By extension, it can mean an underworld abode of lost souls, or Gehenna."
    Perhaps Abbadon means Ingress has reach a place in time that requires the fiery destruction of "Wicked Agents/Belial"(bots, multiple accounts, spoofers).

  48. Good question, Mustafa Said​​. I'm using dead to mean they left a corpse behind and it no longer walks/talks/lives as it once did. Hank Johnson was, by this definition, "dead" as well, IMO. (and that's part of why it was so shocking to him to discover and it took him some time to understand and come to terms with his condition). Hank, however, was able to reverse his condition. Will the other Niantic personnel be able to reverse their condition as well? Dead is a fairly flexible term in the Niantic world.

  49. David Timothy I completely agree, death isn't really the end in this Investigation.

  50. Yik Sheng Lee​ That conclusion seems to be supported by the Hebrew concept of sheol, which is described as place isolated from the world--where people go after they die regardless of virtue or past actions. The concept is analogous to how the portal network imprints the essence of an individual, which is isolated from our dimension. The process in which simulacra are created from this xm imprint could be intrinsically a part of Abaddon itself, activated only in response to specific stimuli.

  51. Mustafa Said​​ I am still not quite convinced that Abaddon directly equates to destruction. While many modern references of Abaddon refer to it as a supernatural entity of evil, destruction, and death, it doesn't make sense as to why Calvin or others at the Niantic Project would seek knowledge about Abaddon, especially since their primary goal seems to have been the creation of simulacra.

    Rather, I think that the knowledge of Abaddon can be dangerous, possibly destructive, if applied &/or used in a certain way. Knowledge isn't inherently dangerous, its how you use/apply that knowledge that can be dangerous. And it seems to me that Calvin, the NIA, and possibly the antimagnus cult want to use that knowledge as a means to achieve an unknown end that they feel needs to be kept secret.

  52. Yik Sheng Lee​​​ But based on what Edgar Allan Wright​​​​ asked, abaddon seems to refer to a person or a place. The N'zeer & Antimagnus could very well be attempting to use Abaddon as a means to wage war against the Shapers. However, unless Abaddon refers to a singular N'zeer entity or the N'zeer collective, it seems very unlikely that Abaddon would be solely designed around the motives of the N'zeer.

  53. Angel of bottomless pit. Destruction. However is not indicative what is destroying. Could be either for better or worse.

  54. Yik Sheng Lee​ Lol! True!
    And I think you are on to something with your place-process theory! But last I checked, places don't usually wage interdimensional war for extradimensional beings. Neither do processes. :-P

    It may seem insignificant, but I think this distinction is important. It implies that whatever Abaddon is can be used by the N'zeer to fight the Shapers or it can be used by the Shapers to fight the N'zeer.

  55. Yik Sheng Lee you are assuming that the N'Zeer are not going to eventually turn on and try to consume humanity.   As a resistance agent once told me "You should never trust aliens... they always want to eat people."

  56. I think abaddon is making reference to hell's gates.

  57. I belive in exogenesis so. Maybe the n'zeer were who mutated our dna. With this pretext maybe abaddon was/is to be a catalyst, an alien whose mission is to keep the world in chaos until our minds and bodies will be so corrupt to shelter the N'zeer.

  58. I believe its a rift in space and time exposing us to the "Lost Souls" or N'zeer. At the same time giving us access (and vice-verca) to there dimension, that we call "purgatory" or in this case "Abaddon"

  59. Sometimes to understand words we have to go beyond them by looking inside and gathering insights. Let's break down Abaddon: A Bad Don. Who is Don? 
    1. a Spanish title prefixed to a male forename.
    2. a university teacher, especially a senior member of a college at Oxford or Cambridge.

    The second definition seems to be leading us somewhere. Early on in the Niantic Project a professor was abducted by the NIA for teaching students about XM and portals:
    Who was this man and what was his connection to the Niantic Project?

  60. Abaddon is an Angel, the king of an army of locusts

  61. Darsana was a point in time, Persepolis is a place, shonin I can't remember what that was. It could be a place like Golgotha, a person though I doubt it would be literal unless let's say they were imbued to be Abaddon, or a particularly hellish time period of chaos. My vote is a time period. With all the researchers being fought over and potential for leaders to switch chaos is coming

  62. Edgar Allan Wright is this linked to the mentions in Endgame SkyKey?

  63. JoJo Stratton​ now I'm curious... What is mentioned in Sky Key?

  64. oneneednotbeachamber​ Shōnin was a person. A witness. Yuri.

    I'm also curious about what's in that book.

  65. The name Abaddon appears in Revelation 9:11: “They had as king over them the angel of the Abyss, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek, In Hebrew, the name “Abaddon” means “place of destruction”;
    In Revelation 8–9, John describes a period during the end times when angels sound seven trumpets. Each trumpet signals the coming of a new judgment on the people of earth. When the fifth angel blows his trumpet, the Abyss, a great smoking pit, will open, and a horde of demonic “locusts” will rise out of it (Revelation 9:1-3). These creatures will be given the power to torture any person who does not bear God’s seal (verse 4). The pain they inflict will be so intense that sufferers will wish to die (verse 6). Abaddon is the ruler of the Abyss and the king of these demonic locusts.
    Abaddon is often used as another name for Satan. However, Scripture seems to distinguish the two. We find Satan later on in Revelation, when he is imprisoned for 1,000 years (Revelation 20:1-3). He is then released to wreak havoc on the earth (verses 1-8) and ultimately receives his final, eternal punishment (verse 10). Abaddon is likely one of Satan’s underlings, a destroying demon and one of the “rulers,” “authorities,” and “powers” mentioned in Ephesians 5:12.

  66. vibeesh balan I just think Abaddon is a reference to the place the XM researchers were trapped in. But yes, there is a master and an acolyte. We've known that for long. It's only been a question of who.


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