I am quite interested in a certain figure known as Amaziah Lachish.

I am quite interested in a certain figure known as Amaziah Lachish.  He manifested in our investigation at a time when my consciousness was most scrambled...  Most disjointed.  What do we know of this person.  And for that matter, what do we know of this group which seems to parallel Essex known as #antimagnus ?


  1. Amaziah Lachish​​​ - maybe we'll hear from him personally... I do remember him being connected to Misty Hannah​ in some way. Maybe she has some information to share. The wiki (niantic.schlarp.com) suggests he was an informant for H. Richard Loeb​. Not that I would expect PAC to reveal any specific sources, but he may have information he could share as well.

  2. You post two very different questions, Edgar Allan Wright​. Or are they somehow related?

  3. As for the group that calls itself #antimagnus... As above, so below.

  4. Edgar Allan Wright​​ this is long so bear with me, good doctor: Who is Amaziah Lachith?

    It's a question that's been in the back of my mind lately. Not sure why but it is something I've been thinking about over and over.

    As we know, he was one of H. Richard Loeb​​​​​'s informants black in the early days of the Investigation. Years later, mention of his name re-emerged by Misty Hannah​​​, who was with him(Was it a planned meeting? Random coincidence?) in a location named the Bridgewater Triangle at the start of the Helios Anomalies.

    Hannah divulged that he was a Necromonic Researcher. Claimed that "He keeps talking about cultists serving some master, but there are very few particulars."

    I'm curious about why he was in the Triangle, which has had a rather odd reputation as being 'a site of alleged paranormal phenomena, ranging from UFOs to poltergeists and orbs, balls of fire and other spectral phenomena, various "bigfoot" sightings, giant snakes and "thunderbirds", as well as the mutilation of cattle and other livestock."

    I've been extremely interested as to why Lachith was in the Triangle during Helios. What was his motive for being there? Did he and Hannah plan a meeting there?

    After my initial thoughts on who exactly this enigmatic individual is, I began to ponder over what Hank Johnson​ had been theorizing about: Prime Trandimentional Objects, or PTOs for short. 

     "I suspect much of this has to do with a struggle for the control of what have been called 'Prime Transdimensional Objects'... original Artifacts capable of true interaction with Exotic Matter... Like the Shōnin Stone. The incomprehensible sophistication of the technology can't be replicated, but the form can. 

    They become purely ornamental as the original is lost, forgotten or destroyed: Future generations recreate objects in their likeness, and over time they forget the true power of the original artifact, but they remember that the form is somehow meaningful."                                             -Hank Johnson

    Is Lachish a MAGNUS? Could there have been a PTO in the Triangle, one he wanted to either activate or protect?

    Could it be possible that the Shapers manipulated me and Daniel Clague​ secretly, unwittingly into forming the Prometheans with the idea of protecting whatever lies inside the Triangle? 

    If so, what the hell is in there? Why is it so important? Worst of all, if the anti MAGNUS decides to go after whatever could reside there, who will be tasked to confront them in order to protect it? 

    A couple of days later, I consulted Clague on his thoughts. He had this to say: 
    "Possible artifacts of interest which may have come to reside in the Bridgewater triangle: any artifact used in the pre revolutionary war Era, unknown relics brought in by cultists and any number of objects heretofore unassociated with the region. However a few which have direct connections can be mentioned. t. The thing that sticks out the most for me here Mustafa is the shining trapezohedron. This thing was supposed to be a window on all space and time, a transdimensional object. It could summon the harbinger of the N'Zeer, whom some have called Nyarlathotep.  It's this crazy angled stone from another planet, and was associated with Atlantis and Egypt. 
    Archaeologists brought it to providence RI in 1843 and founded a cult that worshipped the N'zeer. It was eventually thrown into Narragansett bay but the darkness down there unleashed it's host, who possessed a Dr. Ambrose Dexter."

  5. Further research led me to the story "The Haunter in the Dark," by H.P Lovecraft. The story speaks of the shining trapezohedron and a cult attempting to utilize its power, known as the Church of Starry Wisdom. The Shining Trapezohedron was discovered in Egyptian ruins, in a box of alien construction, by Professor Enoch Bowen before he returned to Providence in 1844. Members of the Church of Starry Wisdom in Providence would awaken the Haunter of the Dark, an avatar of Nyarlathotep, by gazing into the glowing crystal. Summoned from the black gulfs of chaos, this being could show other worlds, other galaxies, and the secrets of arcane and paradoxical knowledge; but he demanded monstrous sacrifices, hinted at by disfigured skeletons that were later found in the church."

    "But don't you see? This isn't a myth. It's a mythic retelling of an actual event. It's just been coded so only the initiated could understand."
    -Hank Johnson, the Library surveillance recording. 

    Was Lovecraft channeling into something larger than himself through his works, this one in particular? Was the Haunter in the Dark a secret parable talking of the N'zeer and a PTO that could summon them? 

    In the name of the investigation, I release this information. I can only hope it serves our journey well. 


  6. also known since the start as just AL.  He was close to PAC and has been for a long time.  Perhaps tap into H. Richard Loeb and see what he knows.

  7. Good stuff, Mustafa Said​! Thank you for sharing. My brain was cramping and my Google fu failing me when I was trying to come up with the original sources for info on Amaziah. His wiki information is missing. Oddly, I was thinking about him yesterday. I wonder what it was that has brought him again to the forefront of our memories?

  8. David Timothy He's been in my mind for a long time....I've been investigating him for a while.

  9. Early source of PAC's, described as a "necromantic researcher." Possibly a pseudonym with intentional biblical allusions.

  10. Mustafa Said thanks for the info. Very interesting

  11. Here are some links for research - an email from Amaziah-  http://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/pac/IB/01/item/01_tip.html - emailing that email people did receive replies

    Misty mentions - https://plus.google.com/+MistyHannah/posts/L8BpPjyJbtH

    and Misty post leading to that - https://plus.google.com/+MistyHannah/posts/WPQ8stPhaCm

  12. I share your opinion about lovecraft totally. Mustafa Said​

  13. Xavi Dolz Zamora The idea of various individuals channeling into larger things via XM exposure is an idea I've had for a while.

  14. Perfect gathering information. Thanks JoJo Stratton​

  15. Essex uses an open forum for discussion and investigation. The Anti-Magnus community is also available for joining, and would be really nice if it were open to see and investigate.

  16. J.J. Ramirez​​​​ the Anti-Magnus community no longer exists. It was deleted by one of its members. It was initially made private, perhaps in error as far as I have seen people say, but anyone who requested entry was granted entry and immediately promoted to moderator (and owner as soon as G+ allowed). "As above, so below". With that in mind it is testament to many things that it lasted as long as it did, and the demise of the community was set in stone once the decision was made that all should be equal and everyone should be promoted. That said, it isn't so easy to delete a hangout, or hashtags, and it isn't possible to erase the memories.

  17. Yik Sheng Lee I think that in moments of mental weakness is when we are easily manipulated. That, taken to the extreme, in the sensors it may seem bipolarity. But, allways in my opinion, it could create a mental net. Where you just need to know with who do you want to connect and go there for to chat, to spy or more.

  18. Not everyone within the group that calls itself antimagnus believes that they are part of the canonical antimagnus, as defined by some. It is a forum for the curious, a place to peek behind the curtain, a place to talk about things you couldn't talk about elsewhere... People made generalizations about it based on a small sampling of information but many of us just enjoy being able to talk about things in a very different environment with different "rules" and different people.

  19. +J.J.Ramirez our #antimagnus nest has been destroyed by a rogue agent. 

    But concerning the differences between AM and OE, in AM there are no individuals yelling out "NO FAN FICTION!" Whenever a theory goes moves beyond the ingressing reality, becomes meta, and morphs into its own being (Tulpas are interesting, one can almost say that they are shaped mind viruses).

  20. Anti-Magnus has no structure. It is simply based on free will. Whereas Essex is based on a leader searching for the "truth".

  21. Mario Valenzuela II In troubled times. You go underground. :)

  22. The choice of Amaziah Lachish is also interesting. It would suggest that those in power were once in the same boat as this person is. And now they are maybe vary of him. He knows their secrets perhaps.

  23. Our G+ community may be gone, but our human community is doing quite well. No one can evict an idea whose time has come!

  24. Here's one of the coolest mentions of Amaziah Lachish and his connection to PAC, Klue, and Tycho.  Its from someone named NKTCell from the SLC Enlightened in Utah.  The comment was made on 12/12/12 on this site: http://ingressfieldguide.com/content/two-will-die-eid11732 (at the bottom)

    It references this video: https://youtu.be/4Zj2y_J5-UM?t=2m27s

    At least it gives a clue to AL's choice of pseudonym.

    His comment: I don't think she wants us to use "eid" or "eht". I think she wants us to use "the," which she mentions is the English translation of "die" in German. I think she only wants the number reversed, and she's telling us to google "the 11732." It works even better if you google, "the 11732nd." Get this - the 11732nd verse of the Bible reads as follows: "Now from the time that Amaziah did turn away from following Jehovah they made a conspiracy against him in Jerusalem; and he fled to Lachish: but they sent after him to Lachish, and slew him there." Sound familiar? It should - Amaziah Lachich is the name used by the person who emailed PAC about the Zurich murders! Not only that, but his story about a conspiracy, being pursued to another city, and being slain there is strikingly reminiscent of what happened to Devra and Jarvis. This could even indicate that AL is actually Devra! (It could even be Jarvis given the speculation of him acting from a different time or from beyond the grave as we have seen in several of the documents PAC has posted.) Regardless of any implications it may or may not have for the true identity of AL, it definitely points back to him/her. There are lots of theories out there about what Klue meant, but I really think this is the only one that is an obvious, direct enough connection for her to be able to say, "Tell me I'm wrong."

  25. Wow. I haven't seen or heard from NKTCell in a long time. Total blast from the past there!

  26. Essex focuses on objective evidence such as eyewitness statements and well-documented observations. My experience with the other group, via postings in the Essex community, is that the AM group works from hunches, intuition and personal revelation. They are much like the gnostics, in some ways.

  27. syko lilith The two groups Dr. Wright metioned--Esses and the AntiMagnus group that has been active on G+.

  28. Paul Fritschle hey now. dont go knocking gnostics

    on the other hand their use of hashtags on like everything is bull doody

  29. Side note: Amaziah Lachish's email is still autoresponding the same FR code as always

  30. Typhoon Jim Not knocking them, just making the comparison.

  31. Post well, with consideration, and do not presume, and you will find you can post anything you want

  32. Paul Fritschle I was in the g+ one. And all my ingress research is gone.

  33. syko lilith I'm sorry to hear that.

  34. syko lilith that's terrible. It's probably a good idea to cross post most stuff you spent time on to your own g plus

  35. Definitely don't knock the Gnostics; they have some interesting interpretations going on.

  36. I liked the AM group because it was a safe place to explore further the concepts in brought up in Essex. Some of us have been searching for the truth for years, far before Ingress or CERN. There is something out there, and now some of it has come out of the shadows.

    Ingress brought us together and the AM gave us a chance to meet with like-minded people with out the fear of being judged within the larger investigative group or even the Ingess community. Some of us are shy.

    It is an honor to be in Essex, but the AntiMagnus was a sounding board. It changed how I play, how I look at the game. Fraction was irrelevant, it was left at the door. Collective unconscious, the impact of XM on art and culture were just some of the disscussions.

    We all want the same thing. We all want the truth.


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