It is becoming more and more clear to me, from sources I can not currently disclose, that the fate of the Sharded...

It is becoming more and more clear to me, from sources I can not currently disclose, that the fate of the Sharded researchers and, indeed the fate of the cosmos is going to be in the hands of the Agents of Abaddon..  More on this later.


  1. we will learn what happens and improve our tactics. we will be ready for zurich. and we're excited who will be the angel of destruction.

  2. I was under the impressions that this was the nature of anomalies: they're tipping points, and we fight to affect the balance. All the events tied so closely that one major change ripples through everything else... or cascades. #KeepResisting

  3. In what way? Does this mean that shard point will Count towards Abaddon? Initial reports indicate that there is not any scoring towards the Abaddon anomaly as a result of the 4 Shard events.

  4. What if the N'Zeer arrive and we discover they were monsters... That can fit in our pockets?

  5. I await for this angel of death in whatever form it comes

  6. The end is coming! :( 

    I guess it's time to move..

  7. Well, I will try to help from seville. We'll resist

  8. now more than ever, nothing is what it seems

  9. Here's a question for the resistance who are "resisting":

    How is bringing Abaddon into our reality, and allowing it to destroy our world a form of resistance? Shouldn't you be trying to prevent all entities from entering into our reality and destroying it?

  10. Mario Valenzuela II who says the resistance are "bringing abaddon?" we could just as well say Enlightened embracing the shaper influence may lead to the same result.  Regardless, I think the "end game" here is a beyond any faction.

  11. Edgar Allan Wright Verity Seke Niantic Project 

    the battle that was fought in these days by agents in Abaddon will determinate to mark the end of an age? or only be a step of civilization resistant to change?

  12. It's becoming more and more clear to me that krrrrrrrrsssssh eeeeeeeeeeawwww eeeeeawww ( 28,800 baud modem sound)ohs no (obviously fake static sound)
    (Something indistinct)

  13. Mario Valenzuela II in my opinion. (because I can not speak for all the resistance). We should prevent just the entity from entering only if it's not comming for to help. Because if someone wants mankind to be destroyed us is enough. What we need is knowledge not to destroy everything'to resist is important but is more important to know against who are we fighting really. In some moment all mankind will fight together or will learn together.

  14. The future of the Cosmos is in the hands of a bunch of Ingress players? Well, fuck.

  15. The fate of the cosmos? Cosmos as the order of the universe?

  16. Jan M. In the hands of agents because Niantic is cutting production costs, expenditures and staff and can't be bothered with the basics we've previously taken for granted. By the way, they're going to kill off any researchers that agents can't collect enough shards of

    Mario Valenzuela II​

  17. Seems like Abaddon will have much more influence than usual. Perhaps we are finally getting closer to the truth.

  18. Adam Hoang Xavi Dolz Zamora 

    The action's of the enlightened for the most part have been concerned with the fates of our leaders and recently has been to prevent the N'Zeer from ingressing after failing to prevent ADA from imprinting human minds and starting a rise of AI.

    The Enlightened has not really done a single thing in terms of trying to bring about the end of the world.  Yet, the resistance, who claim they are preventing an alien invasion have been working for antimagnus and allowing them to begin the process of summoning Abaddon/the N'Zeer even though ADA herself stated that the Shapers were irrelevant to human evolution and were incapable of doing a thing. So, what are you resisting?

    The way I view it, the Resistance has essentially approaching the issue at hand with the mindset of nuking the entire world to prevent WWIII from happening then blaming the enlightened for the destruction of the earth even though there was no evidence that WWIII is about to even happen nor that the earth was even in danger to begin with.

  19. Mario Valenzuela II well. Sometimes the pursuit of knowledge is often becoming errors. This is how we evolve. If we knew that we made a mistake we would stay still. Resisting is not the same as resignation.

  20. Edgar Allan Wright​ I was right about Abaddon as a place. Only why refer to the researchers as the corpses of Abaddon? Is their fate already sealed?

  21. I'm thinking that the "antity" that will be formed by the resistance shard reconstruction will be the vessel for the N'zeer "ambassador" and vice-verca

  22. Maybe and just maybe. Abaddon it's not about the Angel. But to "the place of destruction" and therefore... A new beginning.
    Hope this help's

  23. Capture all the researchers! It would be chaos if both leaders switched sides. ADA to the enl and Jarvis to the res. such a chaotic matter


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