It appears that, indeed, the fears that Hank Johnson and I shared in what we believed to be a secure environment...

It appears that, indeed, the fears that Hank Johnson and I shared in what we believed to be a secure environment (but were leaked) were accurate. It seems that the shield has created an XM drought and it is still unknown as to whether the Shapers and/or N'zeer have been blocked.  Frankly, I find this to be an extremely interesting development which has tentacles that writhe and reach into multiple thought streams. Are you feeling the same way?


  1. Definitely a curious result of the anomaly.

  2. Chaos war harm civilization. Escape repeat. Barrier destiny. avoid together.

    It seems to me that the Vesuvian Magnus was in fact what some Essex investigators call for from time to time - a third way that eschews both Shaper and N'Zeer influence.  If that sequence is the only valid arrangement of arrowheads that can activate the shield then I believe any rumors that it could be employed selectively to be disinformation planted to lead future partisans to reactivate the device after its builders had been forgotten.

    Further, it seems from that the shield was activated in the past and clearly disabled.  How might that have been accomplished?  If the shield only blocks inbound signals perhaps activating outbound glyph sequences at portals could force open a hole to restore the lifeblood of civilization (per Hank Johnson's NOMAD hypothesis).

  3. Further information can be found in Hank Johnson​ post about NOMAD.

  4. Mike Wissinger​ thanks i mixed the link with the vĂ­deos xD

  5. Yik Sheng Lee​ as I said... Resistance is complaining that the enlightened caused this, but this was supposed to happen whether ENL or RES wins...

  6. Tentacles - makes me think of the Hydra reference Ken Owens would make and the mentions of monsters Misty Hannah encountered - -

    Why do I think of puppets - that conversation Devra and Hank had on a bench in NYC so long ago and she mentioned the conversations may have been something we simply were overhearing and not even meant for us

  7. Yik Sheng Lee if the Vesuvian Magnus manipulated both - then who do the VM represent? Is there is group outside of the Shapers and N'Zeer?

  8. So they were a cross faction group (members from both "sides")? They originated in Obsidius's time and have persisted through history as AM and 13M have?

  9. Is the Vesuvian Magnus still operating today? Maybe under a different name?

  10. If so, is it a group, persons known or are there some still lurking in the shadows we have yet to discover

  11. +JoJo Stratton Yik Sheng Lee​ RED FACTION IN BOOOOUUUNNDDD

  12. On the Vesuvian Magnus, it is possible that their intention was not to block both the influence of the N'zeer and the Shapers, but rather redirect it in a more controlled way, this subjugating both parties in a manner of speaking.

    If you look at current political alignments we have 3 factions.

    - the Neo-Resistance, who seek to completely insulate humanity from all alien influence and do not follow Jahan.

    - the "Jahan" Resistance, who seek to bring the N'zeer forth to aid humanity under the leadership of Jahan.

    - the Enlightened, who seek to bring forth the Shapers to aid humanity in evolution. The Acolyte's intentions thus far remain similar to our own though some may doubt her methods.

    The problem here is that we seem to be potentially missing a group who were dedicated to forcefully harnessing the power of the N'zeer and the Shapers. If you ask me, I think there is more to the Obsidian Shield than we know of now, or if there isn't, where is the Sword to the Shield?

  13. Jathan is just the head of the Toads, a Trojan Horse disguise but an idea grown from a tadpole's tail nonetheless.


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