I have just heard that Devra will be at Tainan.

I have just heard that Devra will be at Tainan. I must confess, much to my sadness, that I have not heard from her since Abaddon. Does anybody know anything about her? Anybody have any conjectures on what she might be doing or where she might be?


  1. As I understand it, she was back and forth between the Golden Beach and the Spas. All them aliens be sappin' her will, and she just needed a recharge.

  2. Recharge? Lol, she was probably what kept portals charged during XM drough

  3. Edgar Allan Wright , I am assuming that much like a lot of other researchers, she's been in hiding trying to catch up on what was reset in her mind.

  4. I wish a had a clue.......
    But it's a long Time......

  5. Kosh TheRipper I hear that lots of sun and drinks with little umbrellas help that process.

  6. Edgar Allan Wright​, I think that Devra Bogdanovich​ has been keeping a very low profile. A discussion that has come up a few times is whether Devra would welcome the xm drought as creating a similar outcome to her portal virus. If so, can we expect her to oppose attempts to restore xm to previous levels?

  7. Steven Wilson Good Question..... 👍

  8. Her early days were research focused - she was so excited about the potentials and wanting to "shake their hand" - her work started with searching for intelligence beyond the humansphere - listen to the three part Welcome to NIantic audio clips (https://niantic.schlarp.com/investigation:audio?s[]=welcome&s[]=niantic#welcome_to_niantic) to get a glimpse of her at the beginning. She had a sense of humor (look at the paper she and Hank wrote when Paul School reprimanded her) and she has always been strong - she was on the run for her life for a very long time.

    I hope we see the scientific researcher resurface- next to Kureze and OLW, Devra was the one that released the most actual scientific research... I could see her investigative talents and Hanks adventure really making a good team... but then Jahan seemed to share many of those talents - and if Jahan was a student of Devra's, it could almost be cool to see Mentor and student together...... there is so much potential....

  9. Edgar Allan Wright​ And why not carry out a visit to Tainan? I think it would be interesting a meeting with Devra

  10. Cristian Hurtado​ for someone we haven't heard for almost a year? We don't know what Devra Bogdanovich​ is up to especially after these actions that A Detection Algorithm​ were behind of doing. That's a lot going on behind the seems.

  11. Douglas Sines to much that we dont know.......!!!

  12. JoJo Stratton I'm going to assume the book was ripped off the shelves by NIA for hitting "too close to home" ...

    Possibly the same for Grant... >_>

  13. Daniel Beaudoin yeah - especially at the beginning Ken Owens and Phillips really heavy handed censorship :( and as to Mr. Grant, well....

  14. I would love to be able to go there to talk to her about what's happened, even when she would not remember anything on the Niantic project. I would also be interesting to see her objective reaction to many of her lost years actions. So many interesting things to ask her about.

  15. I wonder how her recursion was effected by the vaccine and subsequent N'Zeer infiltration?

  16. Mike Wissinger​​ seeing that the Shaper's control had no affect on Oliver Lynton-Wolfe​​, I hope she is still anti-ingression.

  17. Interesting...Would she possibly be working with The Acolyte to activate the obsidian shield? The enemy of my enemy is my friend?

  18. Edgar Allan Wright Putting myself in the researchers shoes, i would feel betrayed and would be after answers. I would call this the "Rise of the Researchers" as it were. It is now their time to respond to those who manipulated and controlled them.

  19. Mike Wissinger I was wondering that as well - I hope it has been purged from her system... but who knows... can anything carry over in a recursion?

  20. Weird thing... After the reveal of her appearance, the xm is back to the portals? Coincidence? Or something that niantic is bidding from us?

  21. What if she has been working on a different strain of the portal virus??


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