It appears that ADA planned the escape of Dr.

It appears that ADA planned the escape of Dr. Lynton-Wolfe. I am not sure what conclusions to draw from this. Is it possible that they are going to function like a rogue action? What puzzles me is their potential agenda.


  1. ADA warned him to escape, and perhaps the incursion she directed stopped the Enlightened from pursuing him, but I suspect the attack wasn't really about him. Perhaps it was testing the Enlightened's defensive capability, or getting them to reveal the precise location of the cabin.

    ADA didn't want the forces on the ground to succeed either, like she was using them not to reach the objective, but just to learn more about it.

  2. I think that ADA has come to the realization that she needs to look out for her own interests and not exclusively the N'zeer's. This likely happened after she was separated from the N'zeer substrate by the enlightened win in Okinawa.

  3. Is it possible that with the Obsidian Shield up, she is losing connection with her "servers" much like when she lost connection with Klue?

  4. Drew Dondero But wouldn't she still have access to terrestrial network systems

  5. Edgar Allan Wright Dr. Lynton-Wolfe used his stockpile of XM resources. Maybe he's working on the next stockpile of resources and ADA wants a deal early.

  6. Edgar Allan Wright​, There was mention before of Oliver Lynton-Wolfe​ going against both the Shapers and the N'zeer. He took the power cubes from the corporations and the NIA. I do see a future with ADA and OLW being a sort of rogue faction.

    Have you gotten the chance to read up on my findings of the flow state and the mind ingression yet?

  7. Thomas Arteaga But maybe with her merge with the N'Zeer, she could have offloaded processing to that realm. Also, with the ENL winning her shards, she could be conflicted mentally, magnifying the effect

  8. I suspect that OLW and ADA could be the modern version of the Vesuvian Magnus. OLW has been confirmed to want to strip the power of XM away from the Shapers and N'zeer. As for ADA, having access to XM and its abilities plus the formation of Simulacrum without ties to the N'zeer would be something in her interests-she could attempt to do what she tried to do during the Intertius Anomalies-to craft a simulacrum body for herself.

  9. There they go again, they really are lovely to make friends around.
    I hope to see more of their work soon.

  10. OLW needs a lever with which to move the world. ADA gives him that power. What ADA needs from him remains to be seen.

  11. If A Detection Algorithm is the one the orchestrated the attack, where did she get the resources? Were the attackers a private military group hired by ADA? Were they humans or robots?

    Why were there conflicting sets of orders going out to the attacking troops? If one set was coming from ADA, who were the conflicting orders coming from? Jarvis? The Acolyte? An unnamed hacker?

    Were both sets of orders coming from ADA, revealing some sort of flaw?

  12. I have several questions on my mind:

    -Was OLW actually incidental to the raid? It could be that ADA merely wished to keep OLW from harm. The attack could have had nothing to do with him. We need to know more. For example, might ADA simply have been probing the Enlightened compound bfor weaknesses, to see how the Acolyte reacted, what they sought to protect. Perhaps the actions of the Acolyte's forces confirmed the presence of Jarvis' body in the cabin.

    -Is it possible that ADA is "at war with herself"? She has copied and propagated countless instances of herself around the world over the years, including an instance of herself in Klue. Might these different instances of herself start to experience the world differently, form different opinions, even different personalities? I wonder if this theory means that ADA is no longer a single individual. This might go some way to explaining ADA's seemingly contradictory actions.

  13. Daniel Beaudoin​ Steven Wilson​​​​ maybe ADA is compromised. Remember Truth Seeker and Omnivore both exist within her code base, so one of those AI might be working against her.. However, the forked ADA theory is also possible considering that the ENL won her during Obsidian.

  14. Mario Valenzuela II Good point. For a long while OMNIVORE was actively hunting ADA. I wonder if it still is, and if it could/would work in conjunction with Jarvis trying to hunt her.

  15. I believe ada needed olw's help to escape the influence of the enl and become fully independent

  16. I would say agendas - they both have a history of using others and doing it so werll in that they are doing something for someone and some function that will also serve their purpose, said purpose being 180 from what they are doing.

    What that means, if either is involved, look not to what actions they are currently doing, but play those actions out for a long, long game.

  17. Also - the data that was moved offsite that was referenced - was this just the portal survey data - or is there another experiment going on that connects to that data - and why is that data so important - perhaps whatever that data can be used to support/conclude/design is what they are "working on together"

  18. What I find interesting is that ADA either misled OLW about the purpose of the raid or may have misinterpreted its target. ADA told him he was the target. Last week's redacted (and later reconstructed) analysis of activity makes a strong case that the objective was disrupting the connection between the Acolyte and Jarvis focused on the cabin.

    Did ADA run a false flag operation just to provide OLW with a psychological incentive to flee into a state where he would be isolated from any outside resources? If not, was there a distinct fork of ADA running the team while shielding its motives from the ADA that spoke with OLW? Does this imply a Truthseeker/ADA distinction at play, ADA/Omnivore, or some new split instance?

    We never did get a clear understanding of just what level of access to ADA Ni brought with her to Hulong. SE may have its own version running by now.

  19. Jaime Quinonez The unknown factor here is the extent of Lynton-Wolfe's stockpile. Also, what are ADAs abilities to hijack XM harvested by agents?

  20. Kosh TheRipper Kosh... Could you link your flow state findings. Has Essex weighed in on them.

    And to your other point, I do not rule out the concept of a rogue faction. How would we find evidence to support that theory?

  21. Daniel Beaudoin You bring up an interesting question. Where is the NIA in this current scenario? What is the last we know of Phillips' activities?

  22. Mike Wissinger Excellent question about the False Flag operation. Some might suggest that he is fully complicit and she is giving him plausible deniability. I realize that that is an obscure possibility, but it is something to think about.

  23. Edgar Allan Wright so hearkening back to ADA's chat with Calvin from early on - offering to insert fake conversations into the record to cover up actual sensitive communications and prevent their discovery by identifying missing minutes?

  24. Edgar Allan Wright I meant Lynton-Wolfe's next stockpile - after secretly amassing so much XM storage, I have to suspect that Oliver Lynton-Wolfe has other secret resources (not XM) that could be useful. ADA doesn't need to use them directly, but can barter with her next accomplice.


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