Kosh TheRipper made an interesting suggestion, after yesterday's question.

Kosh TheRipper made an interesting suggestion, after yesterday's question. Is it possible that OL-W and ADA are becoming a rogue faction? If so, what would be their agenda and purpose.


  1. There are the Shapers, there are the N'zeer. What if someone wanted nothing to do with both? This would make their purpose the gathering and use of knowledge, the question is their target for their own benefit or for mankinds? They would have to answer that

  2. It could be a modern Vesuvian MAGNUS, dedicated to wielding xm without Shaper or N'Zeer influence or interference.

  3. I think that OLW must, in some way, be complict. He is far too smart to believe that ADA didn't know the identity of the attacking force. He must have also suspected that ADA could have given him more warning than 6 minutes, barely enough time to escape, if she had wanted to. He either set his suspicions aside and allowed himself to be swept up with ADA, perhaps driven by curiosity....or the call was, as Edgar Allan Wright​​ sugested, simply to give Oliver Lynton-Wolfe​​ plausible deniability should he need something from the Acolyte in the future.

  4. Edgar Allan Wright , I think that as Yik Sheng Lee suggested, A Detection Algorithm is using Oliver Lynton-Wolfe with for her own ends, but together they appear to me to be the ideological successors to the Vesuvian Magnus.

    As the most recent intel leaks have shown that Oliver Lynton-Wolfe is alive. I believe that his #IngressPortalSurvey  was his dipping his toe into the waters to see how much of a crowd sourced backing he could attain for his research purposes.

  5. Tough one. I guess to enslave humanity by using bacon?

  6. One could hope it is data driven with the mention of the data, but... ADA I am never certain what her agenda is. OLW is a little more "open" in that he likes to play with potential - read Felicia Hajra-Lee first book - The Niantic Project: INgress and read the passage between OLW and Ni - that is OLW in a nutshell

  7. Thinking on it.. If A Detection Algorithm​ and Oliver Lynton-Wolfe​ were to make another faction, would it be one that blurred the lines between our factions now?

  8. In ways we already have other factions though they are not represent within the scanner they are in groups. I'd interested to see what type of faction they would lead.

  9. They have always been kind of rogue, so I would believe it. Also don't forget that ADA tried something similar to this while with Klue S.​ the question is what do they want? Freedom or control the elemental forces of XM? Maybe they are tied of the wars between the shaper and the n'zeer controlling their lives?
    I'm very interested on what do they do next.

  10. Yik Sheng Lee I dont see the point of creating a 3rd faction ! It will make the game confusing for new players and old players would feel betrayed not to have been given the choice of a third faction.. What do u think ?

  11. Mina K I do not think that you will open your scanner one day and find a third faction within the scanner running rampant. What is meant by a rogue faction is another Magnus group, just as we have the 13Magnus and the AntiMagnus now. There was at one time a collective of 'rogues' from both Magnus groups that came together to form the Vesuvian Magnus.

  12. Calvin surely knows. He's playing a long game.

  13. I have been wondering about the term Aegis Nova. While Aegis literally means "shield" it can also be used figuratively in the sense of protection, control or guidance granted by an individual, group, or organization. Which is what a faction usually does. They need followers, though. I wonder if we will see some sort of demonstration of power. Is it the prophecy of bringing a Promethean gift from the gods?

  14. You know, Ada can disappear at will, after a fashion. Perhaps recalling the story told after the eruption of Pompeii. Does they make Ollie cyphax? Or vice versa?

  15. Martin Brenner This is a VERY valid point! Using the definition within the context of events that has recently transpired, we could allude that A Detection Algorithm is acting as both an Aegis for Oliver Lynton-Wolfe and as a Nova against the Enlightened having aided in the attack against the Enlightened compound.

    Edgar Allan Wright, what do you make of this interpretation?

  16. Mina K​​ when games stagnate it's creators must do something to keep it alive. If a thrid faction came to be, I'm certain we will be given a one time, limited option to switch without losing levels. Also, remember the stated faction goals on the selection screen have been obsolete ever since Recursion, I'm pretty sure many res don't like batting for AI or N'Zeer aliens.

    Where do I sign? 😂


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