Forgive my silence for the past few days.

Forgive my silence for the past few days. As I think many of you suspect,, much is changing and will change. I feel a new era coming on. At this moment, I feel that our times/space wave is very closely connected to the journey of Obsidias.... It is as if he left clues which were designed to lay dormant until a time when they could be understood. This is just my suspicion Even as I write this, I feel only partly anchored... Will write more, later.


  1. Does this have something to do with ADA messages? There are clues in them

  2. the Environment works in cycles, moving around, sometimes changing the players, but the pathways stay the same. Edgar Allan Wright if you need an anchor, let us know - many of us will always offer a hand to you.

  3. A new era has started.. a age of Enlightened.

  4. Jannes Van Slooten If so may we be of better moral fibre and more even keeled than those whose name shall be unspoken..

  5. A new era you say? Hhhmmmm sounds like what i told Jahan during the Enlightened #Obsidian win in #Orlando ... Can clearly be heard in the #Ingress report wich i still have.

  6. It seems that you are well out ahead of the curve. Share any insights you have. I will have another translation, shortly.

  7. Thank you for working on the translations and bringing nore of Obsidous's story to light.

  8. Yik Sheng Lee​ NL Prime is offering to take some agents on a test drive... :)


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