I am extremely heartened by the #saveklue protests, however, I am disturbed that I have heard no reassurance from...

I am extremely heartened by the #saveklue  protests, however, I am disturbed that I have heard no reassurance from the Acolyte. I will tell you, anecdotally, that I 'feel' a difference in portal emanations, but as I do not believe myself to be a 'sensitive', I do not know what to make of this, if anything. Keep up the pressure. Jarvis and the Acolyte are heading into very dangerous territory -- as indeed are Lynton-Wolfe and Ada. I look forward to discovery of more Obsidias fragments.. It seems that he was learning quite a bit about the Aegis Nova. We find ourselves in dangerous times.


  1. Thank you kindly for those words, Dr. Edgar Allan Wright​.

  2. Thank you Dr Edgar Allan Wright , we are all concerned for her safety and will continue in whatever efforts we can make.

  3. Sarah Rosen what makes you say that?

  4. I dont get why everyone needs to SaveKlue. Trust in Jarvis and the Acolyte and Oliver. They are not the bad guys here. I wonder who we'll make out to be the Boogeyman if the Enlightened win again in a couple of weeks.

  5. Sustain the effort, agents. It's working

  6. I think we need to stand united on this, the Enlightened, specially need to show the Acolyte that we don't start to this kind of behaviour, we never trusted Roland Jarvis​ as leader. We trusted the Acolyte on the past with something valuable to them, if she want to have the community trust on the future, she will need to cooperate now, if she doesn't the trust will not be deposited on her again on the future. And her message clearly seem to be, we don't need you, shut up and do what we say, something that we should not allow.

  7. Wouldn't it be poetic if Jarvis fried Klue's mind and her only hope for salvation is ADA because ADA made a backup!

  8. Does it always seem to come down to what motivates someone? Are there any truly altruistic actions these days? So much is placed on extrinsic value and less and less on intrinisc value

  9. ADA attempted to upload her consciousness into every mind on the planet. I can see why this would remain an area of concern for Jarvis, the Acolyte, and many others who want to see humanity remain, well, humanity. (PS She was also behind the brutal assault on the Acolyte's compound!)

    Our best wishes to Klue in her convalescence. Given that an unknown glyph sequence is what allowed her to be mind controlled by ADA in the first place, perhaps we should not be so hasty to show up a sequence we do not fully understand?

  10. I have faith in Jarvis and The Acolyte unlike so many I don't believe Klue is damaged.

  11. Well I believe she was damaged when ADA left hostile and potentially self-aware fragments of code in her brain.

    Think of what people go to to surgically, chemically, or radiologically remove tumors; I suspect this is something similar.

  12. Whether SaveKlue is working or not, just know there are those of us do not support this project and trust in the Acolyte.

  13. QuantumIngressEffectIngress QuantumEffect to your point, I'm reminded of the item name "Jarvis virus"

  14. I think I'd like to let Klue recover from her treatment before I pass any judgement.

    ADA told us she'd be leaving Klue -- turns out that wasn't true (at all). Removing those pieces might have been inevitably dangerous, but it seems like Klue truly wanted to be free of them.


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