It appears that things have taken quite a dark turn.

It appears that things have taken quite a dark turn. If indeed the corpse found off Brooklyn was Nigel Moyer's, it would appear that foul play is involved. I am going to start taking extra precautions, myself. This might be the beginning of a 'sanitization' of the Niantic Project. I am happy to report that I did have a very brief communication with Devra, but am unable to disclose the contents of it. She does appear to be alive and well. I look forward to helping her unscramble some things if she decides to do so.


  1. Glad you and Devra connected. And purging is never good.

  2. I, too, am very worried. How are your security assets? Have they been compromised? Last I remembered you had a fleet of drones at your disposal as well as several security personnel.

    As for Devra, I am curious as to whether or not she recalls the incident between you and her that sparked her animosity towards you. If she didn't, did you refresh her memory?

    Things are being set in motion quickly. Be prepared for what comes next.

  3. Can we craft a potential list of suspects for who would purge the Niantic Project team?

  4. Not only appears that niantic is 'sanitizing' but also taking care of past occurrences from 13 Magnus, everyone involved in that nest can and will be a target...

  5. Edgar Allan Wright​ if you want help unscramble or unfolding something in the chain of portals count on us.... 🙋

  6. Youve always been keen on danger. Best not let your senses dull. We are here to support

  7. I dont think Nigel is dead, and he wasnt banned either - hint - IGN change. He wants to go Incognito

  8. Stay safe Edgar Allan Wright. Do you think that the NIA are the ones behind this? Why would they like to initiate a purge now? And who do you think is on the driving seat now?
    I'm glad that you have reconnected with Devra Bogdanovich, I hope that you solve your differences and help each other with your memories.

  9. One wonders if Nigel mightn't have been reembodied or uploaded. He's been around long enough to have arranged either.

  10. QuantumIngressEffectIngress QuantumEffect I believe that Susanna Moyer​ is now the owner of the Intel.

  11. I had been wondering how long it would take till they silenced Nigel. He was a massive liability for NIA

  12. He faked is on death. I would say that he and his daughter came up with the plan. If she is NIA she very well could have gathered intelligence making such action necessary


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