Many have been asking if I will be able to Manifest at the Viva event in Paris on July 2.

Many have been asking if I will be able to Manifest at the Viva event in Paris on July 2. I do not know if this will be possible. I will try. I have asked flint dille  to be there... Will keep you posted.


  1. Stay safe Ed, Paris is wild these days...

  2. What is curious, is it possible to have a pattern from the portal network somehow be able to manifest in this dimension or is it more an amalgamation of patterns. Meaning, do single entities have the ability to manifest or is it only a collective? And going back to Edgar Allan Wright Gravity Theory of Narrative, do these entities only have the ability to manifest in our dimension when there is enough gravity to pull them here - essentially Agents in Ingress "researched" Edgar or some similar entity into existence in this dimension (once a critical/tipping point was reached). Which could explain the waxing and wanning Edgar experiences as the more that is done in our dimension with a focus on that which initially "resurrected" the entity, the greater the narrative gravity well, thus the more fixed he becomes. That would also go to explain memory shifts - look at history and how it is "rewritten" often by they who shout loudest - those who shout loudest control the memories. Now, if all that were true - is there only one instance or case like this, or, are there others? Is that why "Devra" was able to poke through to Hank and Paul and others? And perhaps that is why we get the assorted messages that we do.

  3. Edgar Allan Wright​ if there is anything we can do to help let us know. The right glyph sequences can work magic.

  4. Edgar Allan Wright we have prepared a glyph sequence for you, I have been trying to reach you through Mustafa Said

  5. The projects you and flint dille work on together seem to draw in a lot of attention from some shady characters, is it safe having you both show up at the same time?


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